Ch. 6 Shes Going Home

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The next day

Arizona's POV

"Sofia robbin torres Sloan, age 9, admitted 26 days ago for removal of a tumor in her brain. Today, she is being cleared to go home." Edwards says triumphantly and mark walks in. "Alright baby! Ready to go home with daddy??"

"Yes!!! Yes!!! Do I get ice cream for dinner!?!?"

"Well of course!! You get whatever you want!!"

I can feel my blood boil. She should be going home with me.

"Alrighty mark. We gotta run a few tests then she can go. How about you start signing discharge papers." Amelia says not taking her eyes off me. He nods and walks out excited.

"If looks could kill." Amelia says under her breath chuckling a little making me dig my nails in my palms. "You know what??? You do NOT get to keep being such a bitch to me! I have done all that I can to make this better!! I have tri-"

"Oh just shut the fuck up! You tried?? You tried??? How hard did you try Arizona??? You kicked me out at the first sign of difficulty!! You made me sleep in this Godforsaken hospital on a fucking cot for 2 months and then I tried to kill myself!! YOU tried??? YOU left dozens of voicemails??? YOU set up a private surgery together?? YOU begged and begged to be helped??? No. YOU went and ran to callie the second you could!!! YOU kicked ME out!! Don't you DARE say that you tried. D-dont you d-dare." She says sobbing out the last part.

A year and 10 months ago

I walk into the house and let my voicemail machine play.

"One new message:
H-hey Ari. Uhh I'm calling because I miss you.. I-I'm trying to get sober. I've been clean for 2 months. I-I'm trying so ha-hard. I miss you. Today was hard. I was scrubbing in on a surgery and I heard pocketful of sunshine playing and I-I just realized how much I miss hearing you sing that stu-stupid song to me. My hea-heart feels like a black hole. I miss you mi corazón. I miss you."

I blink the tears from my eyes and chuckle a little. "I hope you realize you aren't Spanish." I whisper walking to my living room to take a nap.


"Doctor Robbins!!" Edwards screams catching my attention "what??" I ask glaring at her.

"I said 'if you two can't get along together, one of y'all need to get out.' Sofia doesn't need this stress."

I scoff and cross my arms and Amelia laughs. "Still acting like a child Robbins."

I glare at her and Sofia starts whining. "What baby?"

"Where's daddy??"

"He went to sign some papers. Do I need to get him?"

She nods and I walk out and grab mark. "Sofia wants you."

He walks in and she smiles almost immediately. "I just wanted a hug."

She says this and I feel my heart crumble. I could've given her that hug. Amelia runs through her tests and she finishes after about 10 minutes. And then he takes her home. As they walk out of the hospital I can feel my chest starting to tighten.

She will never be mine again. He's going to win this.

I turn and walk into a private bathroom and I just begin to fall apart. I clutch the sides of my head and just start screaming. My mind is racing and my heart is pumping and I clench my fist and smash the mirror in front of me into pieces. Leaving my hand bleeding with broken glass all over the floor. Shards stuck in my hand, all different sizes.

And then the door starts pounding. The door knob starts rattling and in comes Alex.

"Arizona!" He exclaims grabbing me and pulling me to him. I roll my eyes at his concerned face. "Alex, I'm not 7. I don't need you to be worried about me."

"Then how about you act like it?? Grow up. You're going to pay for the mirror and your going to explain to Chief Bailey why you can't operate for however long ortho says. Wait to go."

I roll my eyes and jerk my arm out of his grasp. "Page ortho." I snap at Wilson who jumps on it immediately, not wanting to piss me off further.

"On their way." I nod and sit down in an exam room.

My examination determines that I've broken 2 knuckles. My middle one and my ring one. Now to tell Bailey.

"Hey chief." I say walking into her office and sitting down. "Robbins. How can I help you today?"

I shrug my shoulders chuckling and I hold my hand up.

"Me and the mirror got into a heated argument and let's just say the mirror looks worse than me."

Bailey stares at me unamused. Probably not the best way to let her know I'm out of surgery for a while.

"Well Robbins, go apologize to the mirror and pray it can give your 2 million dollar hand back!! Good lord child!!"

I nod sheepishly and she continues to make me feel like shit.

Her lecture was along the lines of "if you continue to lose your cool in my hospital I will have no problem putting YOU in your place. I might be small Robbins, but I am MIGHTY."

I just kept internally laughing at her. I have every right to overreact. I have every right to lose my shit. I just lost my baby. I lost my baby, and I can't sleep with someone to numb the pain. Or, I can't sleep with someone I like sleeping with. This. Sucks.

So sorry everyone!!! I have sprained and dislocated my ankle and theyve put me on pain meds for days!! I'll be writing regularly I hope!!

did y'all miss me:)

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