Ch. 4 A Crappy Mom

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4 days later

Amelias POV

"Where's my momma?"

"I don't know sweetheart. But I'll tell you, when I find her, she'll wish I hadn't" I say feeling angry at Arizona for leaving Sofia to be on her own like this. Mark is pissed. And I mean pissed enough that he might fight for custody.

I crawl into bed with Sofia and I read her a book that she has for her ELA class and soon enough she falls asleep in my arms.

Mark walks in and he smiles a little. "I was on my way to come do this. Thank you." He whispers sitting down next to the bed. I nod and kiss the top of her head before crawling out. I walk out into the hallway to be met by a hungover Arizona. I grab her by her wrist and drag her behind me to a random closet.

"What in the FUCK were you doing??"

"I was taking a break from this shit. It's hard."

"Well while you were taking your 'break' your daughter had a seizure due to a subdural hematoma."

Her face goes white as if she just saw a ghost. "N-no. Did she really??"

I nod and her eyes start to water.

"No. You don't get to cry. You chose to be a crappy mom. You chose to leave her behind like that. You don't get to shed a fucking tear. You did this. You're a crappy mom and a crappy friend. Mark and I needed you. We needed you. Not another thing to worry ab-"

She kisses me. She kissed me.

I deepen the kiss a little and somehow we end up on the floor taking off each other's clothes. She gets up and locks the door and we can't keep our hands off each other.

I've missed this.

I pull away to look at her eyes. "Are you sure?"

She breathlessly nods and connects our lips again. We continue to make out and I start to trail kisses down her neck, earning guttural moans from her.

"Shhhh. Shh. Be quiet or I'll stop." I say covering her mouth with my hand. She nods and I remove my hand and continue my previous actions. As I trail my kisses lower and lower, she starts to get louder and louder.

"I said 'be quiet or I'll stop.' And I was serious. Last warning. If you don't quit I'll take you out there and we can show everyone how much of a whore you are."

Immediately she pipes up. She knows I don't bluff.

I get to her waist and smack both of thighs indicating for her to open up for me. She spreads her legs and I grab her underwear with my teeth and pull them down her legs. Then I tease her.

I kiss below her belly button and then both hips. And then I go to her thighs and pepper kisses up to her heat. I nip at the inner parts of her thighs and suck to leave hickeys only we can see.

"Am-Amelia. Please." She says grabbing my head and pushing it to my desired destination.

"Beg me. How bad do you need it."

"Please. Please!! I'm dripping for you. I've needed this for days. For weeks. I've needed you. I'm desperate. I'll do anything. Anything at all. Please."

"Okay. Okay. But-"

I slide up her body up to her ear and drop my voice to a whisper

"You leave us wondering like that again-"

I bite the top of her ear and then lick a line down her neck under her ear

"I will tie you up to a vibrator for 2 hours and I'll leave you to squirm."

That sentence alone earned a whimper from her.

She nods and I go back down her body. I run a finger between her legs earning another whimper from her. She'd better shut her mouth.

I lick a long line up her center making her throw her hand over her mouth. I smirk against her and start to lick harder and faster, adding my fingers.

"We're gonna play a game."

I say sitting up still working her over with my fingers. I grab her hands and pin them both above her head.

"You're going to keep quiet."

Quickening my pace

"And if you don't, you just won't cum."

She strains her neck and grits her teeth.

"Oh sweetheart, you look like you need to moan for me." I say teasingly kissing her neck gently knowing that drives her crazy.

I hear a small whine and I stop my movements and she sighs and tries to thrust against my hand pleading with her eyes.

"You made a noise."

"Pl-please. I-I tried. Please."

"Mmmm only because it's been so long since you've gotten a reward from me." I say raising an eyebrow crawling back between her legs to finish the job.

Ayooooooo. Smut

does Amelia seem like she'd be a kinky mf in the show? Like am I the only one who thinks she'd be the one to have a dungeon and shit

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