Ch. 7 Betrayal

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2 weeks later. The trial
Arizona's POV

"Please rise for Honorable Judge Delilah Fisher."

We all stand and in walks a 5"10 brunette. Shoulder length hair, she radiates confidence and she looks like she owns the place. Tan slacks, button up, open robe.

"Be seated." She says into the microphone. That voice. We all take our seats and she reads off the case. Mark is eyeing me from across the room the whole time she's talking and then his lawyer stands to make their opening case.

"My client, Dr Mark Sloan is fighting for the right of his daughter. HIS daughter. Dr Sloan has worked hard to create a life for his daughter. He had a group of people sitting behind him, who all believe he deserves custody. I will uncover Dr Robbins careless parenting skills and more. Thank you, your honor." She takes a seat and smirks at me.

And now it's my lawyers turn.

"Well, now you've heard his side. Here's Dr Robbins. Doctor, thats such a dramatic term. These people went to school for 10+ years to what? Save lives? Well, at least Dr Robbins saves lives. Dr Sloan is a plastics surgeon. He sews up scratches and puts fake add ons onto people. I will also uncover some secrets of my own. Let's get to this. Thank you, your honor."

And now for the big dogs.

First "witness" on the stand is Doctor Edwards. And Marks team gets to question first.

"Dr Edwards, you're the neuro resident arent you?

She nods smiling widely.

"And you were there throughout Sofia's entire stay right?"

She nods once again.

"So you witnessed Dr Robbins leaving for nearly a week while her daughter was recovering from emergency brain surgery??"

She takes a deep breath and looks at me. I nod and she starts playing with her fingers. "Yes. Yes I was."

"Exactly how long was Dr Robbins gone?"

"Well, it'd be hard to say. I wasn't completely around the clock."

"Well, what's a broad spectrum?"

"I'd say 5 days ma'am. But, I would have been too. It's stressf-"

"Alright no further questions your honor."

This made Stephanie scoff. She doesn't do disrespect well.

And now it's my sides turn.

"Dr Edwards, Stephanie is it?"

"Yes, Stephanie."

"May I call you Stephanie?"

She nods smiling and my lawyer thanks her.

"Now Stephanie, you said you were working on this case?"

She nods once again and my lawyer continues.

"Can you describe to your best ability the conflicts that occurred in front of you between Dr Sloan and Dr Robbins?"

"Objection. Hearsay."

"Your honor, we have to know what happened. We have to know exactly how this all laid out. It's beneficiary to both sides."

"Proceed with your questioning, attorney."

"Please, tell us what happened Stephanie."

"Well, I guess the first occurrence I witnessed was about a month ago. Sofia woke up from her coma and she was saying that Dr Robbins wasnt her mommy. That she wanted her mommy, Callie torres who died 6 months ago. Dr Robbins lost her cool and Dr Sloan made it physical."

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