Ch. 9 Backlash

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A week after trial

Amelias POV

Ari has been so moody lately. She hasn't come into work since the verdict and every time I call she sounds drunk. And not just like a little drunk. She sounds like she is plastered.

"Ameliaaaaa" I snap out of thought and make eye contact with Delilah. "Sorry, sorry." I say shaking my head.

"Don't apologize. Thinking about Arizona?"

"Yeah. I am. She's worrying me." I say taking a drink of my mocha frappe. I'm a basic bitch, don't judge.

"Love. She's okay. She'll be okay. I'm sorry I made that verdict. Mark can do whatever he thinks is right. He can let Arizona see her whenever she wants."

"He won't. He hates her. Not just a little bit. He hates her hates her."

"But he is her father. Arizona came into Sofia's life only a few years before her mom died. And Arizona is irrational. She makes moves before she thinks. It's a dangerous trait."

"Arizona couldn't be dangerous if she tried."

"Not that kind of dangerous. Dangerous as in, if Sofia made the wrong move she could be put on the street. I mean just think about it. She did it to you after dating you for what 2 years?"

"I-I guess you have a point." I say shaking my head. We continue to talk about things and up comes Arizona.

"Well, well look who we have here."

"Hey ari. How are you doing?"

"Oh I'm peachy. Thanks. Didn't know you were screwing the judge."

"I'm Delilah. I'm not always 'the judge'. I have more to my personality than that."

"Mhm. Yeah. Your 'personality' isn't what Amelia sticks around for babe."

"Arizona. Leave her alone." I snap dropping my eyebrows at her.

She fakes a pout and mimics me.

"Arizona. Leave her alon- big whoop. Guess what judge. You cost me my relationship with my daughter. You did that. And now you're screwing my ex. Imagine that. Sloppy seconds."

"I'd appreciate it if you walked away." Delilah says standing up to size Arizona up.

"Ohh so scary. I'll get up in your fucking face too. You don't scare me."

"Walk away Doctor Robbins."

"You're not worth my breath. Good luck Amelia."

I nod and roll my eyes as Delilah sits down.

"I'm sorry she did that. She's not usually like that I swear."

"I get it. I took her daughter away. She can never forgive me."

I nod and shrug my shoulders. "She did a little bit of this to herself."

"Every single parents I see has done it to themselves just a little bit. Both sides. It's just how the cookie crumbles. A child should be cherished and loved for its young life but, everyone is so busy over fighting for his or her life that they make it miserable. It sucks but it's life."

I nod and we continue our coffee and then I head out for work.

Arizona's POV

I'm plastered. I mean just completely off my ass drunk. But I do not care.

"Mrs Hesley, you are going to be fine! Your baby is simply moving around in your tummy. These feelings are completely normal." I say smiling widely at her after reviewing her ultrasound.

She returns my overly excited dynamic and we say our goodbyes. I walk out of her room and turn in an iPad to the nurses station and Lexie Grey walks up to me. Lexie. Grey. The new 'mom' to my child. Lexie could be her fucking sister.


"Dr Robbins, I don't think you need to be here."

"Oh yeah grey?? Gonna take my kid and my job? Well fuck you. Get over yourself. You're a child."

"Dr Robbins you are drunk. Drunk enough that you would fail a breathalyzer test with flying colors. Now. I don't want to include our superiors because frankly, I think you're on thin ice with Bailey but I will. You just say the word."

"Get out of my face grey. I'm leaving. Waitta fucking go."

I turn on my heel and walk out of the hospital straight to the bar. Fuck this.

2 hours later

"WOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOOO. shots on me!!! Let's go!!! Line em up! First one to pass out or throw up gets to pay for all this shit!!" I yell making all the other alcoholics yell with me. Day drinking. Only meant for those who drink all day.

4 hours later

"PARTAYYYYYYY" I proceed to jump off the bar into the crowd of people who just end up letting me crash to the floor. I stumble to get up and then I see an angel.

"Arizona. Come on. Let's go." Amelia Shepherd.

"Nooooooo. I'm having fun with my friends." I slur out laughing all goofy.

"Arizona, it's 9 pm. Your friends are all here with other people."

"You are the most beautiful human being I've ever seen. How did you find me?"

"They called me, honey. Let's go. Upsie daises." She says picking me up. I guess I sat down while we were talking.

"Honey." I slur out all lovey.

"Shhhh. I'm gonna put you in my car okay?"

I nod and giggle while she walks me outside. We climb in the car and she starts driving.

"You've made me so happy." I say with tears in my eyes putting my hand on top of hers on the console.

"Arizona, you're drunk. You don't even know what you're saying. I'm gonna turn on some music. Try not to throw up."

She clicks on the radio and the song 'pocketful of sunshine' comes on. This is my jam.

1 year ago in the OR

"Babe. Turn it off." Amelia says rolling her eyes smiling through her mask. "I GOT A POCKET, GOT A POCKETFUL OF SUNSHINE- I GOT A NO MAKE A NO AND HM HM HMMMMM"

I never knew these words.

"Did everyone hear that? Someone please tell my beautiful girlfriend that is not the words." Amelia says laughing as she pulls away from an 8 year olds brain.

We continue to operate and soon enough we scrub out.

"I love you mi corazón."

"I love you goofball."


"Ariiiiii. Hey. Look at me."

And then, just like that.



What do y'all think has happened??

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