Ch. 3 "Old Pals"

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5 days later

Arizona's POV

"Momma. I said I wanted CHOCOLATE. This is vanilla. I can't eat this shit"

My mouth gapes open at her language. "SOFIA ROBBIN TORRES SLOAN."

"What momma"

"You do NOT say that. Who taught you that??"

"Uncle Alex.."

I'm gonna kill him.

I page Karev to her room 911 and nearly seconds later he bursts in out of breath. "ROBBINS. WHAT THE FUCK."

I slap the back of his head hard and he looks at me confused with an ugly look in his face. "Here's what you're gonna do.." I say grabbing his ear and twisting it taking him to Sofia's bed. "You WILL tell Sofia that the word 'shit' is inappropriate and you WILL apologize for that word. And then you'll explain that if I hear her say ANY of those nasty words again that I'll wash YOUR mouth out with soap."

He gives me a go to hell look and then looks at Sofia and apologizes.


I walk out to go check on Sofia's charts and as I'm standing against a wall checking them Amelia waltz's over. "Hey mi corazón."

2 years ago

"Mi corazón what would you like for dinner?"

"You do realize that you aren't Spanish right??"

She smiles and kisses my cheek. "I'm so in love with you that I would learn any language so that you knew how much I loved you."

"Youre cheesy. I don't care honey. Anything you'd like." I say looking down to my phone.

Come over

No. I've already told you. It was a one time thing. I'm with Amelia.

Sure you are. I bet she doesn't do anything I can do.

I love her.

"My love, tune in."

"I'm tuned in. What'd you say?"

"I said 'would you like for me to make us some pancakes?' And then you ignored me twice hurting my feelings." She says ending the sentence with a pouty face. I smile and laugh a little. "Pancakes sound lovely." I say wrapping my arms around her waist to hug her and then feeling a bulge in her pocket.

"What's this??" I ask reaching in making her flip shit. "Nothing!!" She says backing away but I still have the little pouch in my hands. I pull it out and it looks like she's seen a ghost.

A little bag half filled with pills. All colors. Blue, purple, white, light pink.

"Amelia. I will ask once. Why do you have this??"



"Sorry. I was thinking. You do realize you aren't Spanish right?"

"I've missed that line."

I laugh and put Sofia's chart back on the counter. We both walk to the cafeteria and she buys me some coffee. "You didn't have to do that." I say rolling my eyes at her spontaneous act of kindness.

"Arizona. I miss you."

Absolutely not.

"No. No. You don't get to do this. I don't give free passes when you save my daughter."

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