Ch. 20 Going Back In Time

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Amelias POV

"The seizure was caused by the amount of stress she was experiencing. It caused small amounts of brain damage. At this point in time, we really don't know what limitations will be put on her."

I open my eyes and look at Arizona and Derek and they both scramble to me. "Blink if you hear us" Arizona says frantically as I close my eyes and open them. "Squeeze my hand and wiggle your toes." I do both. "Okay now can you tell me what today is?" And then nothing comes out. It's December first. I know the day. I just can't move my mouth. Or my face.

"Okay Amelia, you suffered a small stroke when you had your seizure. Your facial muscles are confused. They're also trying to relax because of how absolutely tense you were. Do you understand what I'm saying? Blink once for yes, twice for no. Or I guess you won't blink if you don't understand."

I blink once and Arizona walks out almost in a raging fit. What'd I do?

Around 2 years ago

I collapse to my knees gasping for air. The benzos kicked in. In a minute you will lose consciousness and it will all be over.

I lose consciousness and I see Arizona. "You need to stay. You need to try for me." She says grabbing my hand making my heart rate spike. "I've already done it." I say jerking my hands out of hers.

It's my time.

"Beep.. beep... beep" no.

"And where did you find her Doctor Robbins?"

"She was passed out on a cot in an on call room. She- she had been sleeping here because I kicked her out."

"And how did you find her?"

"She had foam dripping off of her mouth and she was laying on her back so I knew she was choking on her puke. She probably overdosed on pills. That's why I left. She was addicted to pills."

"J-just to l-let you know-" I start to say, sitting up maintaining deadly eye contact with her.

"I did not overdose. I tried to-to kill myself." I say venom laced through my voice. The orderly gasped and I could see the regret on Arizona's face.


"You didn't know." I finish for her rolling my eyes. Within seconds she marches out. The same disappointed look on her face.


"She's not mad at you amy. She's mad at the situation." Derek says noticing the look in my eyes. I shrug and he sits down next to my bed. "I could've lost you. My favorite sister." He chokes out putting his hand on my forehead. I feel my own tears make their way to my eyes and I shake my head.

"Do you want me to get her?" I blink once and he nods. He stands up and shuffles out to go get her for me.

I love her so much. But I can't do this without her.

She walks in, puffy eyed and dried tear marks down her face and I open my arms for her.

2 years ago

"Baby. Come here. I'm sorry." I say opening my arms for her to lay on me. We got into an argument over something irrelevant and I hurt her feelings. She crawls into my arms and she sobs. I mean just guttural heart breaking sobs.

This is always the worst part of our arguments. Her crying hurts me.


She crawls into my arms and I can feel her entire frame relax but then the waterworks start. She absolutely loses it. Sobs that break even the heartless.

I rub her back, trying my best to comfort her, but it's hard to do that with no words. All I can do is communicate through touch.

This is new.

I take my hand and I place it against her cheek and I rub.

It's okay. I'm here. I'm here for you.

I take my other hand and wrap it around her waist and squeeze her into me a little.

You're safe with me. I would never hurt you or let you get hurt.

I kiss the top of her head and let it linger.

You are the only person I'll ever love this way.

She sits there sobbing into my chest for about 5 minutes and then she sits up and she looks at me. "I wish I could hear your voice. It's only been a day or two and I miss it." I nod and she leans back into me.

I wish I could stay here forever. Just with her. No interruptions.

"Alright miss Amelia, it's medicine time!" April says joyfully walking and I hush her with hand signals. Arizona seemingly fell asleep in the spot she's in and I don't want to wake her.

"We need to get you a white board." April says rushing out of my room and returning with a white board for me to communicate with.

April, Arizona is sleeping and I don't want to wake her

She nods and then I write

No pills right?

"None. Just some hydration and some food. And we're gonna have to tube you."

I roll my eyes and she laughs a little. She leans over Arizona and nudges her.

"Ari come on. Amelia needs to be worked on." She says as gently as possible. Arizona groans and get up off of me and sits in the chair next to my bed. She sits there for a minute and then she's out once again.

She does not need to watch this.

Lmaooooo hey guysssss I'm thinking of starting a one shot book w y/n. Idkkkkk I think I am. I've had a few ideas

any ideas for a one shot book w station 19, greys or private practice characters? I usually don't do straight scenes

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