Ch. 10 Change of Pace

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Arizona's POV

Pain. All I feel all over is immense amounts of..


April's POV

"Incoming trauma. Motor vehicle against tree. Tree won. 2 females. One responsive and the other dazed out."

The ambulance rolls in and the first door opens and I see blonde hair. I walk over and stand over the patient and it's Arizona Robbins. Arizona.

"It's Robbins!! Page Grey, Yang, Avery, Shepherd and Karev!! Now!!" I shout running inside beside her while Owen gets the next ambulance.

Owens POV

"Here she is!! Look alive everyone. We might have a Jane Doe on our hands."

The ambulance rolls in and the doors open. This ladies face is swollen. There are huge splinters in her face, her eyes are barely visible, she was criked in the field, her BP is 54 and it seems to be steady. Her hand reaches out and clutches mine.

"Hi ma'am. Hi. You're okay. It'll be okay. We're gonna get you to surgery."

She starts to groan and I stop her. "No. No. Shhh. We don't want to damage your vocal cords. You can hear me?"

She nods.

"Okay. Can you see me?"


"Okay. Wiggle your fingers a little bit as well as your toes." She does as told and I just can't help but look at her eyes. She looks so familiar.

We run into the hospital and Jackson meets us in the ER.

Jackson's POV

"Arizona!!! Are you okay???" I ask her and she nods. "Yes. Yes. I'm okay." She says her voice shakey. "Okay. Okay. Lay back. I'm gonna sedate you. This is going to hurt."

"Wait. Wait- how's- how-" and she's out. Good. She doesn't need to endure this kind of pain.

"Alright. Everyone, she has a large seatbelt burn across her neck, a huge gash in her forehead, a large laceration across her thigh and part of her ear is gone. Get on this!! I guess the other victim is worse than she is."

I walk into the other trauma room and this woman looks absolutely torn apart. I gasp when I walk in catching everyone's attention and I look at these deep splinters.

"Hi ma'am. My name is Jackson Avery. You seem to be in a bit of pain. Do you want pain meds?"

She shakes her head no frantically and I nod.

"Alright. Alright. No pain meds. This is going to hurt." I explain before gloving up and grabbing my splinters kit.

I pull out all I can and I add some antiseptic gel so that it stays clean and so it can soothe some of the aching. Now for ortho to see her.

Links POV

"Hello ma'am! It's nice to meet you. I'm doctor Lincoln. I'm gonna reset your arm and examine your collarbone and shoulder. Sound good?"

She nods and I can feel my heart strings twinge. This is awful.

I grab her arm and I look at her eyes.

"This will hurt. Just thinking abou-"


Screaming. Just guttural, agonizing screams. "I know ma'am. I know. I'm so sorry. I'm sorry." I say holding her her hand she nods with tears gathered in her eyes. This is awful.

Alright now to look at your shoulder. I look at it and sigh.


"Alright miss, think about how this all happened. Think about your name. Do you know your-"


More screams. More painful screams. This is awful. Her heart monitor sky rockets and she loses consciousness.

"Page cardio!!!"

Maggie's POV

I sprint to trauma 2. Dr Yang is in trauma 1 with Arizona. I run in and link is giving CPR."how long has she been down??" I ask frantically snapping gloves and a gown on.

"Just 3 minutes. I had to reset her shoulder and she lost it."

"Okay. Okay. Push one of epi. Elevate her legs. Her heart isn't pumping enough blood. I'll take over compressions. Set up a crash cart. If she goes under, I want it to be available."

I pump her chest while link sets it up and she starts to flat line.


"It's done!! Done!! Clear!!" I remove my hands and he charges her. Nothing.

"Charge to 200. Clear!!" I yell pressing the pads to her chest.


"Okay!! Okay everyone she's back!! Let's move. I need to get her to surgery now!!"

Cristinas POV

"Arizona. Hey, look at me." I say patting her face making her eyes roll over to me.

"Do you know who that lady is?" I ask and she giggles.

"A girl who took me home from the bar"

Okay. Okay great.

"Alright. Shepherd is operating on her now. Her head CT showed a hematoma and she's also having a small heart surgery to place a pacemaker."

She giggles again and then she's out.

Dereks POV

"Pierce, how's it looking?"

"Good. Just some bleeding in her abdomen. Page general. Her heart is going to pump so much better with this pacemaker. How's her brain?"

"Swollen for sure. I've started to fix the hematoma with a graph and it's holding well. I might have to leave off a skull flap."

"I understand. Looks like we get mer."

"Ah theres my beautiful wife." I say smiling looking over my cool glowy glasses.

Meredith walks in and gets to work immediately. She ends up taking out her spleen. This poor woman. She will have a hard life.

Amelias POV

Beep.. beep... beep

Where am I?

My monitor increases and I start to balance my breathing again. Okay. I'm criked. Must have lost my airway. My shoulder and arm hurt on the left side. Reset.

My head hurts. Brain surgery. My abdomen is sore but I can stand it. General surgery. I have what feels like burns all over my face. Okay. My hands are swollen to the point of balloon sizes. Okay. Okay. Nurses button.

Where is it. Where is it? Wall. I shift my head and wince. Neck is tender. Whiplash.

Button is on the bed. Loss of lower vision points. Swollen eyes. Press the button. Press the button amelia.

Weakness in hand. Maybe a stroke.

Shit shit.

Well. :) 2 updates in one day.

Will they find out Amelia is Jane doe?

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