Ch. 15 The Accident

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Amelias POV

I just need a friend. I just need someone to hold me. I need warmth. I need comfort. I feel alone. I feel alone in a shell that has been ripped apart.

I toss and turn all night. I wish I could feel the left side of my body. Maybe then I wouldn't feel so empty.

"A-ap-apple." I stutter out quietly. I wish I could fucking speak.

"A-app-apple." I say a little more aggressive.

"Ap-app-a-Apple!" I yell sitting up getting aggravated as hell. Fuck this. I jump up out of bed and immediately collapse to the floor.

"F-FUCK!!!" I shout loudly making Arizona run in my room.

"What??? What's going on???" She asks panicked. She just woke up and she is barely comprehending what's happening.

She links her arms under mine and I push her away.

"N-NO!! I-I can d-do this myself!! I-I'm n-n-n-nnn"

"Shhh. Deep breath." She says aggravating me more. Because I can do this. I can think. I can do this on my fucking own. She calms me down so much that it's maddening.

"I'm n-not some b-bitch th-that nee-needs ass-assisted l-living." I say calmer than earlier.

"Well, you aren't a bitch. But you do need help. And if you don't want MY help then I can drop you off at your house."

"F-fucking d-do it t-th-then." I snap aggressively and she nods. She leaves the room, grabs a wheelchair and helps me get in it. She walks me outside and I get myself into the car. No help. Because I don't need it.

Even if we're upset with each other she pops the hood and checks the brakes. She knows I'm anxious. She knows this is hard. I put my seatbelt on and yank it.

It's not in good enough.

I unclick it and click it in again. I yank again.

It's good.

She gets in and drives me to my house. She arrives and I get out of her car and I try to grab my wheelchair out. Between holding myself up with the car and not feeling my left hand this is difficult. I'm standing on my cast. This cast has been through some shit.

Arizona gets out of the car and helps me with my wheelchair. She wheels me in and then she turns on her heel and leaves. Not a goodbye, not an I love you, just leaves.

I've got this.

I try to push myself to the kitchen to grab some food. I can't move it. I can't wheel myself. In the hospital I could because nurses helped me. So I sit here. I sit here until I hear birds chirping outside and the sun rises. I tried getting up and I collapsed. Lucky me, I locked my chair after realizing I couldn't wheel myself. Or else I'd still be lying on the floor right now.

I never got my phone back from the hospital. And I realized this after maybe 20 minutes of sitting in this fucking chair.

What am I going to do?

About 6 more hours pass and it's around 12 pm. Now I have to pee. But, I can't move. So it's gonna be a race between my bladder losing control and someone checking on me.

And about 3 more hours go by. I've already pissed myself. Someone is going to get off of work and find me. I just know it.

5 hours later

I hear the door open behind me and my head pops up. I can't see who it is but by the gasp I know it's Arizona.

"Amelia?? Why are you still sitting here??"

"I-I c-couldn't whe-wheel myself." I stutter out embarrassed that she found me like this.

"Oh my gosh. Okay, okay. Come on. You need a bath." She says unlocking my chair and taking me to the bathroom. She runs the water and she goes to my room and grabs some clothes for me. Nothing fancy, shorts, t shirt bra and underwear.

She helps me stand and I feel my anxiety grow. I have scars all over my stomach. My arms, my legs, I look ugly. "Okay, let's get you out of these nasty clothes." She says and I can feel my heart race. "N-n-no. I-I do-dont wa-wan-want to." I say stopping her and she looks into my eyes.

"Amelia. The point of this is to prevent any infection. I'm not going to look anywhere but your eyes. You cannot take a bath by yourself."

"C-c-call M-Mer and M-Maggie." I say stubbornly and she nods. "Okay. I will give them a call." She steps out of the bathroom and walks back in putting her phone in her back pocket. "They are on their way." She says running her hand through my hair.

"I'm sorry for leaving you here. I knew I was gonna come back and then I got called in for an emergency surgery and I decided to go because I knew you were here and I thought you were safe."

"I-I-I am safe. I-I ju-just can't fun-function. I-it sucks. I f-feel u-useless."

"I should not have left you when you weren't able to take care of yourself. I was angry and frustrated because I'm useless in this situation. I just get to watch you suffer."

"I-I-I'm so-sorry. I d-didnt ev-even think ab-about h-how you fel-felt."

We sit in silence and wait for mer and Maggie and then the door opens.

"What in the actual fuck??"

Cliffhangerrrrrrrr peeps PLS let me know if y'all like the content. Comment, post on my board, message me, idc. I just wanna know that someone actually likes it😂 I have insecurity issues😮‍💨

Have y'all seen Kai:)

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