Ch. 14 Home...ish

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A week later

Amelias POV

I've learned how to walk with crutches using my right hand. I can pee on my own, I can hear out of my right ear 50% and my left ear around 80%. I'm doing tons of physical therapy to regain motion in my left limbs and my broken bones are healing nicely. And, I don't look like a monster anymore.

"Alright Amy, let's get you into this chair so you can get out of here." Derek says motioning to the chair in front of me. I nod and get in and out we walk.

The whole front of the hospital is lined with my fellow colleagues and people who have helped me along the way.

They all begin clapping.. but all I can focus on is Arizona. She's got that contagious smile on her face, her hair looks beautiful and she's wearing her doctors coat and goofy wheelies.

I'm falling in love with her more and more.

We get to the front desk and they ask my name.


"Last name?"


"It's Shepherd." Arizona finishes for me standing next to Derek. I nod and motion to her.

Speaking is so difficult for me.

"Alright and date of birth?"

"D-d-de-december 11 1973." They nod and eventually all the questions are over and Arizona takes me outside. "Now, you'll be staying with me since Derek has such a busy schedule. I'm taking off for 2 months to watch you."

I nod and we arrive at her car and my eyes widen as she starts to get me in the car.

"Nnn-no. No." I say pushing myself away from the vehicle causing me and Arizona to fall to the ground.

"Amelia, please. It's going to be okay. Just let me take us to my house."

I shake my head and I can feel my heart rate quicken.

2 weeks ago

"Ariiiiiiii. Look at me."

And then I'm through the windshield. Screaming. Crying. Begging God to take me away. Begging someone to save me.

Save me.

Save me.

Save me.

"Hi ma'am. Hi. You're okay. It'll be okay. We're gonna get you to surgery." April says frantically. April. Breathe. Look at me. Please.

I start to groan and she stops me. "No. No. Shhh. We don't want to damage your vocal cords. You can hear me?"

I nod.

"Okay. Can you see me?"

I nod.

"Okay. Wiggle your fingers a little bit as well as your toes." I do as told and she leans over me as if she's putting the pieces together. Please.


"Amelia. Look at me." My eyes meet hers and she grabs my hand.

"You will be okay. I will drive slow. If you need a break, we can have a break. I'll even check my brakes before we start driving. Will that help?"

I nod and she nods back. "Okay. Okay. Come on let's get up." We both find our feet and she helps me climb into the car. I watch her pop the hood and I just feel so on edge.

Arizona's POV

Honestly?? I have no idea how to check if my brakes have been tampered with. I'm just lifting my hood up to make her feel safe. I'll test them out before we get going to fast incase I need to slam it into park.

I put the hood down and I make eye contact with Amelia and I smile a little. Reassure her.

"Everything is completely okay. Have you buckled?" She nods and tugs on the seat belt as hard as she can, as if she doesn't trust it. After what she's been through, I wouldn't trust it either.

"Alright. Love, we're gonna take this as slow as possible. My house is around 6 blocks away. If you need to, close your eyes or hold my hand. I pinky promise I will do everything in my power to keep you safe." I explain holding my pinky out, forgetting that she has no mobility in her left hand.

"I'll link them." I say hooking my pinky around hers and kissing it.

We ride home with a few breaks in between and finally we're at the house and I'm helping her out of my car.

We get into the house and she lays on the couch, seemingly exhausted.

"Alright. You have a choice, start speech therapy or start physical therapy?"

"S-s-speech." She says already frustrated with herself. This is gonna be hard.



"Take a deep breath. Let's try again."

She breathes in and out and shakes her head.


"Good! Good! You did it in one try!"

"I-it's n-not good-good enough. I-I st-stu-stuttered." She points out bitterly. This is gonna be awful.

We continue our speech exercises and then do some physical ones and when it's finally bedtime we sit and talk a little.

"How do you like being.. here?"

"I-I li-like it. It-it's l-like the o-o-old days."

I nod and smile before placing my hand to her forehead. "I miss you." I whisper sadly.

"W-what'd yo-you say?"

"It's time for bed." I say shrugging my shoulders. She doesn't need the stress of my feelings on her.

I take her to the guest room and as I'm about to cut the lights, she stops me.

"C-can I s-sleep with t-the l-lights on?"

I nod and remove my hand from the switch. "Alright I'm just next door if you need anything at all." I say leaving the room. I take a shower and just as I'm about to climb into bed I hear something. I stand next to Amelias door and listen and I hear her crying.

Should I go in there?

No. Respect her privacy.

I turn and go to my room and climb into bed. Worried for my friend in the next room.

Hellooooooooo my people:)

What kinda dog do you have

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