Ch. 17 Self Confidence

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Amelias POV

Arizona walks into the closet and I just take in my pity and shame.

She's going to be disgusted by me.

"Okay, what shirt do you want?"

"An-any. J-j-just pl-ple-pl-"

"Amelia." My eyes shoot up and meet hers and she grabs my face.

"Don't be nervous. Your stutter gives you away when your nerves act up."

I nod and she goes back to my clothes rack.

"J-just any. I-I j-just need so-something lighter."

She nods and grabs my old lifeguard tank top she used to wear.

"Arms up." She says motioning to raise my arms. I get the right one up and she sighs. "We've gotta figure out what's wrong with your left one love."

I nod and she helps me put my left through the arm hole.

We made eye contact and then and there she kissed me like it was the first time.

And boy, did it feel like the first time.

She pulled away and my skin was on fire. My body was running on pure electricity and I connected our lips again. Eagerly and hungrily.

"Stop, stop." She says pulling away from me putting her hands on my heaving chest.

"Wh-why? So-sorry am- am I moving t-t-too fast?"

"No! God no! I just can't keep going because I'll lose control and you need me to take care of you. You need me to take care of you and not take advantage of you. As soon as you're better, we will figure out this situation."

"C-c-can we s-still kiss? B-because th-that was magical."

"Yes love. We can still kiss. But no making out. We need to hold self control."

I nod smiling and she smiles back.

"You are so beautiful." She says looking me up and down making me kind of self conscious.

"I-I d-dont feel it." I say looking down at my casted foot and bum leg.

She lifts my head by my chin and I can feel my heart jump.

2 years ago

"Look at me." She lifts my head by my chin.

"You make me smile. And YOU are the best surgeon in your family. Don't listen to your mom. You're my pocketful of sunshine."


"Head up. You're too beautiful to stare at your feet." I smile slightly and she returns it. We both make our way back to bed and we lay down and talk all night. She is the one person I can do that with.

Around 2 am

"You do not!!!"

"I-I do! I b-brush my-my teeth in th-the shower all the time"

"Your drain doesn't plug or nothing??"

"N-no cra-crackhead. I scrub m-my teeth to m-make a li-liquid substance. I-it's not paste wh-when I spit"

"That is so gross"

"At-at least I brush my t-teeth. R-remember when c-Callie go-got caught n-not bru-brushing her teeth??"

"Oh my gosh!! I thought Jo was gonna die!! She was so grossed out!!"

"An-and you kiss-kissed her all those y-years!!"

"You're so meannnn"

"Sh-she definitely wasn't m-my favorite person for a-a while. I-I kn-knew she had s-something for you."

"That was definitely a shit show. I was so worried about you."

"I-I w-was fine. I-it was j-just a l-low place for me."

"I know. I was such a bitch to you. And then you tried to kill yourself and I just had no idea how to react so I just ignored you as much as I could until Sofia got sick."

"I-I sho-shouldnt ha-have gotten into dr-drugs. Th-that fucked o-our relationship. B-but look at u-us now"

"You're very right. Everything happened for a reason. But I am so sorry that I let you hurt yourself. You deserve the world. And I'll give it to you."

"Th-thank you."

"So I guess you and Fisher are done?"

I chuckle and roll my eyes, laying my head on her chest.


Sorry for the short chapter!! Been a busy week and it's only Monday:)

Do YOU brush your teeth in the shower??

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