Ch. 16 Ass Chewing

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Amelias POV

"Who in their right mind leaves a paraplegic in their house all alone all fucking day!???" Meredith yells at Arizona madder than hell.

"I-I-I'm not a pa-paraplegic!"

"Hush it now." Maggie says snapping at me with her fingers. I roll my eyes and Meredith looks back at Arizona.

"Leave her alone like that again, and I will fuck you up. She is my sister. She is my blood by heart. I love her. If you can't handle her I will. You give me a call when she's acting dumb and I'll straighten her ass out." Arizona nods and Meredith then turns to me.

"AND YOU!! You are going to be nice to Arizona. You lived. You're fine. Gut it up and act right. You were mean to her for absolutely NO reason. Don't ask how I know because Arizona definitely did NOT tell me. Get your shit together before I make you."

I nod enthusiastically scared shitless of angry mer.

"Now, Arizona leave. We need to get her in the bath." Arizona turns on her heel and walks away.

They get me undressed and their faces say everything they're thinking.

"I-it-it's just s-scars. P-ple-please don-don't st-stare." I say rolling my eyes they both help me sit down in the tub and I honestly have reached a new level of embarrassing.

"Eyes up. We're just helping you get clean. We aren't judging." Maggie says lifting my head up by my chin.

I nod and finally we finish and I get a change of clothes. I smelt like piss for like 6 hours.

I get rolled out and ari smiles at me. "All clean!" She says overly excited. I nod and she frowns.

"Okay. Maggie, Meredith please listen to what I'm saying and let me know if I'm being dicky. Amelia Shepherd. You know better than any of us that if you're going to survive a HUGE incident that you need to be in the mentality of trying to survive it. You're wallowing in your own self pity and all we can do it watch because it's YOUR choice whether or not you survive this."

"I actually agree with that." Maggie says nodding and Meredith chuckles a little. "I second that. If we need to Amy, well move in and we can all gang up on you." I roll my eyes and shake my head.

"Absolutely not. You-you guys would drive-drive me crazy." I say smiling.

"OH MY GOSH!!!" Arizona yells loudly making all of us jump. "What??" I ask concerned as to why she's jumping and squawking around.


Holy shit. I did.

"YOU CANT BE ALL GRUMPY PANTS ANYMORE. YOURE GETTING BETTER!!!" She yells and Maggie and Meredith join in the celebration.

Maybe it's getting better.

"Wanna watch a movie?" Arizona asks smiling at me. Meredith and Maggie head on out and we start watching twilight. I'm on the couch and she's in the recliner and suddenly she gets up and walks to me. She just stands in front of me and I look at her concerned.


"I wanna lay with you. Sit up."

"Yo-you what?"

"I want to lay with you. Sit up."

I sit up and she shimmies behind me and wraps her arms around me.

This is nice.

My breathing evens out and eventually I'm out like a light.

An hour later, after the first movie

"Amy. Wake up. Come on it's bed time." Arizona says shaking me a little. I groan and push her hand away and snuggle into her more.

"Bed time. Come on." She says again sitting up. "C-can I sl-s-s-"

"Breathe. You're nervous. Calm down." She's right. We aren't dating. But we aren't just friends. We're like friends with benefits but no sex. I breathe deeply and I shake my nerves.

"Can I-I sleep wi-with you?"

She smiles and I feel instant relief. I hate sleeping alone. Hate it. I would hire a sex worker just to cuddle.

"I would be honored to have you sleep with me."

We both get up and she helps me walk to the room and lay down.

"Can you sleep in that or do I need to help you change?" I shrug knowing damn well she won't see me partially naked.

"I-I can-can sleep in this." I say laying back. She nods and climbs into bed next to me.



"I think I'm falling in love with you again."

"I-I thi-think I am too."

"You won't ever do drugs again right?"

"I think I've already-already proved that. I-I deni-denied drugs whe-when my bones w-were snapped b-b-back into p-place."

"You make a good point."



"I-I love y-you mi c-corazón"

"You don't even speak Spanish."

And with that we both start to drift to sleep.

Around 3 am

I am fucking BURNING UP. I need to strip. I need to strip without Arizona realizing I've moved and without staying shirtless.

I sit up and throw my left leg over the bed limply. And then my right. I stand unsteady and I take a step.

A step.

I get about 6 steps out. I get to the doorway of the closet and I lean against it.

I'm so winded. This is ridiculous.

I walk into the closet slowly and I throw my shirt off with my casted hand. And then I hear a creak. And a footstep. Yes. Footstep singular. And I hit the floor. Not caring about if I injure myself more. I don't even have a fucking shirt in my reach anymore.

"Amelia??? What are you doing??? Are you okay did you fall???"

"No. No. Stay in there. Arizona!! Stay in there!!" I shout hearing her footsteps come to a halt.

"What's wrong??"

"I-I'm j-ju-just trying t-to ch-change. Yo-you can help after I chan-change. J-just don't look at me l-like this." I say frustrated as all hell.

"I'm coming in. I'm coming in because I'm going to see it eventually. I'm coming in because I love you Amelia. And I love you, scars, drugs and all. I made a mistake letting you go. I made a mistake cheating on you. Callie is dead and it's because of me. Please. Don't push me out like she did. Because I love you too much to lose you."

Well everyone, YA HEARD IT HERE FIRST!! Sooooo I'm developing an obsession w jo😮‍💨soooo should I discontinue my addie x Amelia story and start a jo x Y/N? Lemme know in the comments🤩

^^thats it

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