Ch. 5 Served

517 12 4

Amelias POV

"Arizona. Wake up. Your pager" I say nudging her on the arm while she lays next to me in an on call room. She sits up and looks at it and takes off without speaking.

"What???" I yell and she just yells back Sofia so I take off down the hall after her.

We arrive at her door where mark is standing red faced and arms crossed.

"Arizona, I'm taking over custody of Sofia."

"Like hell you are!!" She yells back getting nose to nose with mark.

"I am. And I get to. She's MY daughter."

"Oh yeah??? Oh yeah mark??? No. No. She's OUR daughter. And even though I hate you right now, I know what I did was wrong."

"Oh really? Wrong?? No. What you did was shitty and it was brutal to me and Sofia."

"Mark, don't speak for her. Don't he said she said. She feels different then you."

"Sure Arizona. MY daughter just had brain surgery."

"Oh yeah mark and OUR daughter needs both parents. If I would've have went AWAL you would've never came to take care of her."

"Well MY daughter told me she hates you."

And Arizona just clocks him. He's not phased because he's a big boy but he reacts.

Next thing I know, mark is holding Arizona a foot off the ground by her lab coat.

"MARK FUCKING SLOAN. DROP HER NOW." I yell grabbing him like he had Arizona and throwing him against the wall. "You will NOT treat her like this. Petition the court for custody. Touch her again and I will remove your testicles and implant them in your throat."

His face is shocked and scared and Arizona is laying on the floor from being dropped. "I-I won't touch her again." He stutters our shaking his head frantically.

"And what would you like to say to her??"

"I'm sorry Arizona. I'll see you in court."

And with that I let him go and he takes off in the opposite direction of me. I turn to her and help her off the floor. "Are you okay?" I ask concerned for her well being. And immediately she starts crying. "Shhhh. Shhhh. It's okay" she shakes her head and pushes me away.

"No!! It's not okay Amelia!! I left my daughter for days because I was selfish!! I'm about to lose her because of it!! I slept with you and now I feel like I betrayed Callie because I told her you weren't a threat! I have tried so ha-"

I space out halfway through her rant

2 years ago

"Amelia!! Get out!! Get out of my house!!" Arizona yells throwing shit into a suitcase.

"Arizona. Please. Please!! I just needed a quick fix!! It was a one time thing!! This is OUR house!!! You can't just kick me out!"

"Wanna bet??? Get the fuck out now!!"

I start crying and I sit on the floor beginning to hyperventilate.

"Oh get the fuck up. Drop the melodramatics." She grabs my arms and I start to scream.

"NO!! NO!! STOP!!! DONT DO IT!!! DONT SHOOT HIM!!!" I yell holding my ears sobbing. I slipped into a flashback of my father being shot and I hadn't even realized it.


"Am-Amelia..?" I shake my head and look into her eyes and she wipes a tear from my cheek. "Why are you crying?"

I shake my head and wipe away my tears that fell accidentally.

"No reason. Sorry I was a lousy lay. I'll try harder next time." I snap and turn on a dime walking away not daring to look back at the woman calling after me.

2 hours later. Amelia is in that space that Owen had shown Cristina. Cristina took her there and she fell in love with it.

I sit and feel the air rush against my clothes. The absolute rush of adrenaline coursing through my veins.

A little less than 2 years ago

It's time. I can't do this anymore. I've lost her. I've lost my person. My love. It's time.

I look down to the handful of unknown benzos and all I remember is falling to my knees dizzy and sick to my stomach.


I hear the door open and I look over. In walks Cristina Yang.

"I knew you'd be out here." She says sitting down next to me. I chuckle bitterly and say "what, Arizona send a search party?"

"No, not yet. She's shaken up about the papers she was just served and asked me, Alex and April to try to find you."

"Well wait to go. What do you get? A prize?"

"I should suggest that to her. Come on. She's really not doing well."

I sigh and get up off the grate and we walk to the conference room zona was in. When we walk in we're met by Arizona, Alex, April and Jo. "Oh wow look at what the circus brought to town." I exclaim waltzing in to sit down at the head of the table.

"Amelia do you always have to be such an ass??" Alex says rolling his eyes and scoffing at me. "Bite me Alex."

"Amelia, I'm sorry for what I said." Arizona says walking to me making me laugh.

"Arizona, I do not accept your apology."

"Amelia listen to what she has to say. This shit doesn't revolve around you. Pull your head out of your ass." Alex grunts out making me roll my eyes.

"Alright Alex. Well why don't you just go ahead and ask Arizona here what we did about 7 hours before we got here?"

Alex looks at Arizona and she looks away sheepishly.

"Well Arizona? Gonna spill that to everyone so they know I'm not being a selfish fuck?"

Again, silence.

"Alright then I'll tell them. Well 7 hours before this Arizona and I were screwing each other."

Everyone's mouth falls open and I start laughing.

"Oh yeah. I know. And guess what everyone, she started it!! And then, I was told that I was just a comfort object and I was shit in bed!! Keep verbally attacking me Alex. I'm not scared of you, jo or Arizona." And with that I stand up, flip my chair and walk out.

Might as well cause a scene on my way out.

Heyyyyyy everyone

who's in the wrong here? Arizona or Amelia

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