Ch. 11 Please Save Me

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Amelias POV

It's been an hour, they still have no idea who I am. We've learned that my vocal cords were damaged from all the screaming I had done. I don't know what time it is, I hope they picked up my phone.. Maybe they'll figure out that I'm missing.

I sit in the dark for a few more hours and finally someone walks in. "how are you doing love?" That voice. That voice belongs to Delilah Fisher. They figured it out..

"How are you? I brought flowers, but I guess it's hard to see that" she says laughing making me smile as much as I could. She sets them down next to my bed and she sits in the chair and grabs my hand.

"I'm so, so very sorry that this happened to you.. Your brakes went out and you just went head on into the tree. Arizona was buckled in. You weren't."

before the wreck

"alright lets get you into the car.." I opened the door and ushered her in and she slumped down into the chair. "Okay, can you buckle?"

She shakes her head and I laugh a little. "Alright, Ill buckle for you." I latch her in and i jump in the car hurrying as fast as I can because there's a man eyeing us from around the corner.


"Ma'am?" April Kepner is standing in front of me hands folded with a sad look on her face.

It was a dream.

I make eye contact and kepner continues.

"Do you know Arizona?"

I nod

"Did you meet Arizona at the bar?"

Shake my head no.

"Have you met Arizona recently?"


"Does Arizona like you?"


"Do you care about her?"


"Do I know you?"

Yes. YES. Yes. Yes. You do.

"How do I- have you met me here?"


"Are you a patient?"


"Are you a doctor?"


"A nurse?"


"A surgeon?"

Yes. Yes.









She takes off running screaming it's me. It's me.

Immediately people flood my room. Derek is the first one in.

"Amy.. are you okay??? I'm so sorry. I'm sorry I didn't realize it was you"

I shake my head and he grabs my hand making me wince.

"I'm sorry. I can't hug you so I'll hold your hand." I nod and my lip quivers with tears in my eyes.

Please.. save me.

Link starts talking"Amelia, you have experienced everything, from broken bones to a concussion to internal bleeding. You have mobility in your left hand right?"

I nod and move my left hand around and they bring me a board to write on.

"Why didn't you buckle?"

Man watching me put ari in car. Was hurried

But since it was with my left hand it looked like

Nan xatrhing me lur ari in car

Link nods and he chuckles a little.

"Okay, does that say man catching me put ari in car"?

I shake my head no and rewrite the word watching. This is gonna be a long process.

After about an hour of what felt like useless information link says "anything we can do for you before we go?"

I write on the board, clear as day.

Please save me. I'm scared.

All of their faces hold sadness in them and link nods. "Of course. We all care for you."

They all exit my room and Derek goes to see if I can sit with Arizona in her room. Of course they let me, I'm a brain surgeon and my face is a literal bounce pad for trees.

I get wheeled into her room and she starts giggling. "What happened to you??"

"Arizona, this is Amelia." Derek says quietly. Her face is unreadable. She looks sad.


I nod a little and she covers her mouth. I shake my head before she starts crying.

You should see the other guy.

She chuckles and shakes her head placing her hand on my face. Her hand is so cold. It's absolutely amazing.

"Even when you're hurt you have humor."

I nod and wince at the sharp pain in my ribs. Just breathing pains.

Can you call them and ask them to get me some ice or something cold?

She nods and calls the nurse in and eventually I have ice packs laid on my wrists, forehead, neck, chest and ankles. I start to cool off and in walks Derek with his iPad.

"Here talk to her." He hands it to me and on the iPad I see my mom and my sisters.

"Amelia, you are going to listen because you cannot talk either way. If you were doing drugs tonight, I swear to all things holy I will rip your vocal chords from your throat and shove them where the sun doesn't shine. I am so disappointed in you. You do this. You always do this. You put that other woman's life in danger and I cannot-"

"She was not high miss." Arizona interjects and I can feel my heart rate steady out. My mom makes me so mad.

"How would you know? You were drunk off your ass."

"I wasn't blackout. I remember. I remember her picking me up and us getting in the car. She buckled me in and then got into the car and sped off. I don't know why. She just did. And then we were driving and she wasn't even going over the speed limit and a curve came up and we just went straight into it. I woke up and she was lying on the hood of the car with half of her body against the tree and the other half hanging off the hood."

"Whatever you say dear. We're getting a tox screen and if Amelia denies, we will know she was high. Amelia, do you object?"

I shake my head as much as I can and she smiles. "Good." Fuck her.

GUYS. 100 reads on chapter 1. So excited. You guys make me happy.

chocolate milk or regular?

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