Ch. 18 Checkup

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5 days later

Amelias POV

"Babe! Wake up, we need to go to your checkup."

"Ughhhh. I-I can j-just tel-tell them I'm better"

"You're not better love. Your stutter is still present, you still have no mobility or feeling in your left part of your body, this is to make sure they can take you out of this grimy cast and put you into another. Maybe put your foot in a boot instead."

"Y-you're n-no fun."

"Come on. Let's get up and get ready for our day." She helps me stand up and she goes to move us but I plant my foot.

"Dance wi-with me"

She starts to laugh and I lean my head on her shoulder and wrap my arms under hers. She starts to sway us back and forth and eventually we're dancing to 'Iris' and she's singing quietly in my ear.

Moments like these make me fall deeper in love.

"Okay, okay. Let's go honey. We gotta go see if we can get you in a boot so we can really dance."

I smile and get ready with her.

At the hospital

Link walks in and he is happy go lucky like always.

"Well if it isn't my favorite patient!"

"H-hi l-link."

"Hey Amelia. Hey Arizona. So let's take a look at this arm and your leg."

"We were also thinking about getting her in a boot so she can have some mobility. It's killing her having to figure out how to walk with a crutch."

I nod in agreement to what Arizona said and he starts the process of cutting my arm cast off.

"Of course. We can look at that idea. She shattered several of her metatarsals and her talus. She would already be in a boot if she hadn't had a small fracture up her tibia. If her tibia is healed nicely, then we will put her in a boot, but she will have to wear it 24/7 till our next appointment which will be in a week and a half. Can you do that?" He looks to me and I nod enthusiastically.

Anything to get out of this cast.

He examines my arm and rewraps it in a black cast and then he gets to my leg.

"Here goes nothing." He says under his breath cutting my cast off. It's completely off my leg and he X-rays it and feels on it and he smiles. "Well Amelia, looks like you get to walk around in a boot!"

Me and Arizona squeal in happiness and he smiles at us. "I am so glad that I could deliver that news. It feels like we've been so negative lately!"

We all start laughing harder than hell, we can barely breathe after we're done and then Arizona turns to me.

"Now to go see Derek to get an MRI and a CT to check your brain. We gotta make sure this was just minimal damage and that it can heal itself so that you can feel your left side again. As for the stutter, I think it's precious."

I roll my eyes and blush a little and she winks at me as she wheels me down the long hallway.

Finally we make it to the exam room for Derek and he immediately has me change into a gown. Eventually I'm wheeled into CT and Arizona and him sit in the room and look over my scans.

"Amelia, this is all caused by a prolonged concussion. You should be getting feeling back very soon. It's only been a few weeks. It's going to take time and rest. Two things that you really don't consider doing ever." Derek says through the intercom.

"D-Derek, l-lets face it. I'm a-a better neuro su-surgeon than you."

"In your dreams kid."

They get me out of CT and by then link has my boot waiting for me.

"Let's go killer. It's time to get you walking."

We go into yet another exam room and I CAN WALK AGAINNNNN.

I have a smile bigger than texas plastered across my face and Arizona chuckles at me.

"Finally, now you can walk around"

"I know I know!!! Look!" I say taking a few steps forwards, forgetting that the feeling in my foot is gone and completely busting ass.

"Amelia!!!" Ari yells catching me and link grabs his chest dramatically.

"Oh I'm fine. I'm fine. I forget my foot is not there."

"Your foot is there. You just can't feel it." Link explains, as if I don't know that it's actually there. I roll my eyes and we make our way out of the hospital, slowly but surely.

At home

"Babe, what do you want for dinner??" Arizona asks walking into the living room with a glass of wine.

"I dunno. I'm not really hungry." I say shrugging making her furrow her brows.

"Why not?"

"I dunno, ever since the accident my adrenaline has been out of wack. I just don't have an appetite."

"That's not good love."

I shake my head and shrug it off. Maybe I'll get skinny while I have a disliking for food.

GOOD AFTERNOON MY READERS:) she's getting better!!!

Do y'all play sports?

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