Ch. 22 Stings

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TW: I don't provide these but there will be SH in this. Please be aware.

3 days later, Amelia has been released to her house for 2 days. Arizona has not made contact.

Amelias POV

My heart feels empty.

I wake up, I go and sit in her chair. Her chair. I sit and I stare at the spot on the carpet where she spilled some coffee. I do that till around 6 and then I go lay in the dark till 10. And I repeat. I've done this 2 days in a row. Today is the third.

In the middle of staring at the rug I can feel my heart being chipped away at.

She's gone.

Arizona's POV

"Karev, please just get me the labs. Good Lord. How hard is that??" I snap getting worked up about this 6 year old case I have.

"Robbins. Chill. It takes time. They're scanning now. You know it takes a little especially with Jenkins in there. He's older than lint. Take a deep breath. I'm sure these labs are just gonna say that she's dehydrated."

"There could be a number of things Alex!! Dehydration, gallbladder issues, appendicitis, ulcers, I mean come on-"

"Robbins chill. Now. They're coming. Be patient."

I roll my eyes and march away from him. I need to be alone. I lock myself in an on call room and I sink to the floor, locking the deadbolt behind me and beginning to sob. Sobs that hurt even the heartless.

As I'm sobbing there I hear a rustle. I look up and I see mark Sloan and Lexie laying on a bed together, both very naked. Both staring at me with hurt in their eyes. "S-sorry. I-I just had a patient issue." I explain standing and wiping my tears. I stand and turn to exit the room and mark stops me. "Hey! Wait. Lexie, just give us a second." He whispers resulting in Lexie grabbing her clothes, throwing them on and walking out.

"Robbins. What is killing you like this? Don't get me wrong, I did NOT like you for some time. But it hurts me to see you like this. This is a different kind of hurt. Even after Callie.. I haven't seen this emotion from you."

I shake my head and feel my emotions get the best of me. My face screws up in a angry manner and I feel my heart crack. "I-I can't do this anymore mark!" I sob out shaking my head. "What's wrong?? What's wrong??" He asks pulling me into a hug and holding me.

"I've lost Amelia! I said some awful things to her and I can't take it back and I don't want to apologize because I'm tired of being the one to say sorry!!" I huff out, losing air progressively through my ongoing sobs. He pulls away and he looks down into my eyes.

"Arizona. I'm going to say this because you need to hear it. If I could've said this to Callie, I would've. You are deserving of love. You are deserving of life. You are deserving of someone who will take you for you and who will not leave at the drop of a hat. If Amelia makes you happy, then be with her. If Amelia doesn't make you happy, don't be with her. But don't let fear over take your life. If you love someone, you tell them." He rants making my bottom lip wobble.

"She's all I want in this life mark."

"Then go get her tiger."

Amelias POV

I snap out of my trance and I see blood dripping down my fingers.

Oh no.

I feel the familiar sing on forearm and I feel an instant pang of guilt. I look around and see that I'm sitting on my carpet in the bathroom. A small pencil sharpener blade in my hand and I sigh. Time to clean this shit up. I stand and I feel myself grow lightheaded.

Oh no..

"Amelia! I'm sorry!! I'm sorry for all that I've done!! I love you. And I miss you. And I can't do this without you. I just want you to be in m- oh my God."

She stops cold, seeing the blood staining my white shag carpet and running down my arm.

"I-I love you too." I whisper before feeling my whole body run cold.

"We need to get to a hospital. We need to get- come on. Ame-AMELIA!!" She watches me collapse to the floor and she wraps her arms under my armpits and she tries to pick me up. "No. No Arizona. No. I hate that place. I hate staying there. Just stitch me up." I slur out feeling my heart rate start to slow down.

"Okay. Okay. Where's your sewing kit?" She asks in a panic.

"Top of the hall closet to your right. Behind my monopoly." I whisper feeling my eyes grow heavy. "No. Hey- wake up now Amelia Shepherd. You stay awake." She says sternly making me nod. "O-okay."

She returns with the kit and I shiver. "I know you're cold. I know. It's okay, I'm gonna hurry and then I'm gonna get you laid down." She explains running the needle under burning water.

"This is gonna hurt. Bite down on this." She whispers handing my a rag and I do as told.

The first poke I sob. I pull my arm and she sighs. "No. Sit still Amelia." She sternly warns me making me nod with tears in my eyes.

She finally finishes and I'm a mess. I'm sobbing, shivering, covered in blood and she is holding me on the floor.

"It's okay. It's okay my love. Breathe." She whispers kissing the top of my head and stroking my back.

"I-I-I'm sorry!!" I exclaim continuing my gut wrenching sobs.

"It's okay my love. Sometimes you need to be broken before you can grow."

Hahaaa sorry it took so long to update. I've wrote another book, about carina deluca and maya bishop and I'm worried to publish it because I don't want it to be a bust😭😭it's an adopted by book:) lemme know if I should drop it for y'all to read.

Anyone else stan Kai and Amelia?

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