Ch. 8 Verdict

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Arizonas POV

"Doctor Sloan, you love your daughter more than anything in this world right?"

"Absolutely. She's my light. She made my world bright again."

"And you would do absolutely anything for her?"

"Of course."

"Your honor, entering document 2b as evidence. Doctor Sloan, please explain the contents of this document."

"They are texts between me and Callie before she died. She says
'Arizona is having a bad night. We're having a bad night. Can you come and get Sofia? I'm worried about her. Arizona is losing it.'
I said
'Absolutely. You need to come too?'
And she said
'No. I'm just worried if Sofia starts crying she'll hurt her.'"

"I'm worried that if Sofia starts crying, she'll hurt her. Think about that everyone. She was worried.. about the well being of her child. Her child. Arizona Robbins is a pediatrician!!"

"I'm a pediatric surgeon. If you are going to say my title, say it right. I am a pediatric SURGEON."

"Your honor, that cannot be allowed. She's out of turn."

The judge sits and thinks before talking "well attorney, a persons title is a sign of respect. Notice, you're calling me 'your honor'. If you called me anything other than that, you would quite literally be escorted out. Doctor Robbins over there is a pediatric surgeon, one of the highest ranking pediatric surgeons in the United States. She has created ways to save children. Now, if she were an orthopedic surgeon I wouldn't feel so strongly about this exact subject. But she saves the lives of children. So please show a little respect and proceed with Doctor Sloans closing statement."

"Of course your honor. That's all."

Up goes our side and then I sit down ready to be questioned. Marks attorney walks up to the bench and she smiles. "You said Sofia was 6 or 7 when you got together with Callie right?"

I nod and smile a little. I miss those times.

"So you weren't actually there when Sofia was born?"

"Well, no bu-"

"Yes or no question Doctor Robbins."


"Perfect. So you didn't hold callies hand? You didn't sign a birth certificate, you didn't see her birth her, you didn't experience any of it?"

"I did not."

"So who is to say that YOU get custody of Sofia?"

"Well by seeing that her mom is dead and her dad is a jackass-"

"Doctor Robbins. Watch your tone." The judge says sternly. Rail me.

"Sorry. I'm just saying. I was not there. But I am her mother as well."

"Well have you adopted her?"

"Well no."

"Then why are we even having this custody fight?? You're just some random woman who entered herself in Sofia's life when she was 6 or 7."

"Now you stop right there. I love that little girl. I love her. Maybe I took a break. Maybe I couldn't handle the pain of hearing her say I'm not her mommy. Maybe I needed a breath. That does not make me any less her parent than mark."

"Mhm, and one more thing Doctor Robbins."

"Go ahead."

"What did Callie say in her note to you?"

"Objection. Relevance?"

"Sustained. Are you done councilor?"

"I guess I am. Good luck Doctor Robbins. You'll need it."

Amelias POV

We all sit and listen to the closing statements and then we sit and wait for a verdict. Delilah will be making the decision. I hope she makes the right one.

2 days ago

"What is your name??"

"I'm Delilah. And you're Amelia Shepherd."

"Oh wow, you've done your research." I say tracing patterns on her bare chest.

"Amelia Shepherd, world class neuro surgeon. Known for taking out giant tumors and saving lives. Took out the tumor of 11 year old Timothy Fisher. He died 2 years ago from a post op seizure."

Oh shit.

"Oh my gosh. I remember him. Your little boy?"

"Mine and my ex wife's. I guess it's hard to stay together after your kid dies. He died and we just couldn't."

"I understand. It's hard. I'm so sorry."

"No, no. It's okay. He's in a better place for sure."

"That's very right. Is that why you attended AA?"

"Mmmm no. When I was 15 I was raped. Well, for the first time. It happened spontaneously after that till I was 17. And then I spoke up about it. It was my moms fiancé. After I told her about it, she killed herself. So I picked up drugs around 18. Cocaine was my drug of choice."

"Oh that's bad. I was on oxy."

"Oxy didn't do it for me. Meth didn't either. Coke was the only thing."

"Damn. Now that's a fix."

"Oh yes it was. I was in law school while I was doing coke."

"Damnnnnn. A lawyer?"

"Oh baby.." she grabs my throat and squeezes.

"A judge."

"Mmmmm that makes it sexier."


"Alright. I've made my decision. I've granted full custody to.. Doctor Mark Sloan."

From where I'm sitting I can hear Arizona let out a gasp before she choked back a sob. Mark stands triumphant and he waltz to the hall.

This is not good.

"Doctor Robbins, I'm so sorry." She says over the speaker looking down at her podium before she leaves the room. I walk up to the front and take a seat behind her. "I'm sorry ari." I say putting my hand on her shoulder making her lean into my touch.

"I'm so sorry."

She turns around before standing up and hugging me tight. I can feel her entire frame shaking from how hard she's crying.

"You're okay. You're okay." I say rubbing her back trying my best to comfort her.

Hahaaaaaa sorry everybodyyyyy

Did mark deserve custody?

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