Ch. 13 Feelings?

365 13 2

3 days later

Amelias POV

"Mommy!!" Sofia yells running into my room and jumping onto her mommy and then shooting me a disgusted look. "Who are you? Why do you look like that?"

I feel my face heat up and I immediately want to disappear. "Sofia! That is rude!! Say sorry to Doctor Shepherd!"

"Oh my gosh! Doctor Shepherd??"

I nod and she furrows her eyebrows.

"What happened?"

"A c-car wreck." I say and she looks shocked. "Your face is swollen." I nod and she smiles. "It's okay. My mommy has scratches from an accident. She tripped on the sidewalk." Sofia says pointing to Arizona's scratches on her face. She probably didn't wanna scare Sofia so she just said she fell.

I nod and Arizona starts talking.

"Alright Sofia. You go hang out at day school. I'll come get you tonight." She nods and runs out saying I love you.

"S-so m-mark gave p-pa-partial c-cus-custody?"

She nods and I nod back



"I found something out about why we wrecked."

8 days ago

Arizona is groaning in her seat. I am screaming at the top of my lungs.

Pain. All I feel right now is pain.

"PLEASE!! PLEASE!! SOMEONE HELP ME!!" The right side of my body is between the tree and the car.



"Y-yeah. S-s- ssss- sorry" I stutter out growing pissed with myself.

"Did you hear me?"

I just shake my head no. I hate talking.

"I said that someone cut the breaks to your car. They turned off the sensors and cut the breaks so that we'd drive."

8 days ago

"Let's get in the car!" I say ushering her out the door hurriedly. There's a man leaning against the wall of the bar outside watching me buckle her.

Hurry hurry hurry.

I get in and throw it into drive. We get around a mile away and a sharp curve comes up.

"Ariiiiiii. Hey look at me."

And then I fly through the windshield and get wedged between the car and the tree screaming in agonizing pain.


"Amelia?? Do I need to get a doctor??"

I shake away my thoughts and I just take a deep breath.

"I-I-I j-jjj-ju-"

She stops me and she looks into my eyes. "Breathe. I know it's a lot of information. I know it's hard to hear and I'm so sorry love. Deep breath in and out. Think about what you're going to say and say it."

I nod and can feel my heart rate calm down.

"I-I j-just keep th-thinking about i-it."

She nods and she grabs my hand.

"It's over. It's okay."

I feel tears hit my eyes and Arizona furrows her eyebrows. "I'm so sorry."

"D-d-Dont. Th-this w-wasn't you- your f-fault."

"It was. You got in that car in a hurry because of me. Because I called you and you wanted me safe you weren't safe. I'm so sorry."

I shake my head and I take a deep breath. Talking is so draining.

We sit there in silence for a while and I feel a wave of anxiety wash over me. My chest started closing in and my ears were ringing and all of a sudden all feeling in my right hand and foot left. My heart rate spiked and all you could hear was rapid beeping. Arizona pressed the call button and laid me back before leaning over my bed and looking into my eyes.

"Breathe. Breathe Amelia. Breathe. Shhhh." She says comfortingly rubbing my hand. I just can't. I can't do what she wants.

In come the nurses and they all panic.

"Alright! Someone give her a Xanax!" April yells and I panic even more.


"Shes a recovering drug addict April!! Let me- I'll just-" zona takes a deep breath and she puts her hand on my forehead comfortingly.

"I've waited a hundred years.. and I'd wait a million more for youuuuu.
Nothing prepared me for, what the privilege of being yours would do.
If I had only held the warmth within your touch.."

She continues the song and my eyes start to shut. I just need a nap. The last thing I hear her sing is "I surrender who I've been, for who you are." And I'm out.

A vvvvv short chapter. But aweeeee. I wish someone loved me like that🙂

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