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Author's note:
This is not a one shot but a collection of the summaries of the four books of The Keeper of the Diamond.

Also - about Y/N's relationship with Snape and Lucius:
Y/N has a crush on both Snape and Lucius. Her biggest is on Snape, though. She really likes him.

Both Lucius and Snape like Y/N, but Lucius can tell that Snape and Y/N like each other the most, which he's completely fine with and supports. He can still get jealous sometimes, though.

Lucius and Narcissa are married, their marriage was however arranged, so they don't have any romantic feelings for each other (which is why they are never seen kissing). They are best friends and love their son dearly. They love each other as well, but as friends.

Narcissa is fine with Y/N and Lucius liking each other. The reason why they are still married and live together is so Draco has both his parents in Malfoy Manor and also because it's seen as "better" for Purebloods not to get a divorce.

Summary of book 1:
TW: Mentions of death, kidnapping and rape

A new prophecy has popped up in the Wizarding World. The Dark Lord and Harry Potter need help from the Keeper of the Diamond to destroy each other. It's later revealed that the Keeper is Y/N, who's from another dimension, as well as the fact that they need two diamonds - an orange and a pink one. Y/N and her friends, Laura and Vera, help Harry Potter and the rest of the Order fight Voldemort and his Death Eaters.

During their adventure, Y/N meets the Harry Potter characters. She even has lots of moments with her favourite ones, Severus Snape and Lucius Malfoy, which are even flirtatious sometimes since they are her favourite characters. She also goes to Hogwarts pretending to be a transfer student in Gryffindor where she has Potions, Defence Against the Dark Arts and Transfiguration lessons. She even gets kidnapped to Malfoy Manor where there are unfortunate events for her - such as Dolohov, who also killed her mother, almost raping her.

However, Y/N and Harry end up destroying the Dark Lord together with both the pink and the orange diamond. Their victory is celebrated with a party at Hogwarts. The three friends then bid goodbye to the Harry Potter characters before going back to their own dimension. It's not the last time they will see one another, though.

Summary of book 2:
TW: Mentions of death, kidnapping, rape and torture

Y/N's friends, Laura and Vera, are almost kidnapped by the Trix from the Winx Club dimension because they want the pink diamond. The two girls however escape to the Alfea school where they see someone in the Winx's dorm they don't expect to be working with them - which is Valtor. Y/N is assigned by Dumbledore to help the Winx Club defeat the Trix and Lord Darkar who has returned. She however gets kidnapped as well by the Trix at a party on Domino. It turns out that somebody has told Darkar that he needs both the pink and the orange diamond as well as their Keeper - that somebody is Bellatrix Lestrange who has escaped from Azkaban with Dolohov.

In Shadow Haunt, Y/N is almost raped by Dolohov and is tortured by Bellatrix and Icy. She gets saved by the Winx, the Specialists, her friends, Lupin, Black, the Trio and Snape as well as Valtor who she has flirtatious moments with since he's her favourite Winx Club character. Snape heals her injuries as she's left with a scar on her left thigh and on her right cheek. Lord Darkar is destroyed, Dolohov is killed by Valtor and Snape, Bellatrix is sent back to Azkaban and the Trix are sent to Light Rock Lake.

They all bid goodbye to the Winx Club characters. Tecna the Fairy of Technology upgrades the three girls' phones so they can always contact them. At Hogwarts, Y/N's birthday party is celebrated. They are having a good time and she gets lots of presents - one being an enchanted notebook from Snape so they can write to each other every day. A few days after the party, there is suddenly a knock on Snape's door in his private home in Spinner's End.

Summary of book 3:
TW: Mentions of death, kidnapping and rape

The Malfoys knock on Severus Snape's door to hide in his home in Spinner's End as they don't want to go to Azkaban. While Y/N is visiting, the Malfoys are hiding in the guest room. Dumbledore somehow knows that they are there - he doesn't turn them in, though. They are pardoned at the Ministry of Magic and can return to Malfoy Manor.

Y/N and her friends, Laura and Vera, are sent to the The Walking Dead dimension to save the Trio, Snape, Lupin and Black who have all been kidnapped by the Saviors as they were sent to help Alexandria in their war against Negan. Vera and Laura get kidnapped together with Daryl from Alexandria as well. Meanwhile, Y/N and Lucius, who has joined them on the mission, try to save them. They quickly get caught, however. At the Sanctuary, Y/N is almost raped by David the Savior - Negan saves her in time as he kills David.

They end up winning the war and capturing Negan. They let him live and put him in the cell in Alexandria. When they return back to Hogwarts, they celebrate their victory with a Halloween party. Snape and Y/N visit the Malfoys at the Manor. Their holiday is however interrupted as Dumbledore has another mission for them.

Summary of book 4:
TW: Mentions of death and kidnapping

Y/N and her friends, Laura and Vera, are sent on a mission by Dumbledore to the Avatar: The Last Airbender dimension together with Snape, Lucius, the Trio and Draco. They are sent there to help Avatar Aang and his friends, Katara, Toph and Sokka, where they have to stop the Fire Nation and their leader, Fire Lord Ozai.

During their mission, Toph almost gets kidnapped by two Fire Nation soldiers. She however gets saved from the Fire Lord's brother, Iroh. The team then lets Iroh and Fire Prince Zuko join them on their mission as they all stay in Iroh's tea shop called The Jasmine Dragon. When Lucius, Snape and Zuko overhear the girls talking about Y/N having a crush on the three of them, they get quite jealous. They even fight and almost burn down a temple.

Y/N later gets kidnaped by Fire Princess Azula and her two friends, Mai and Ty Lee. She however gets saved by the others as they fight the Fire Nation. Azula tries to use lightningbending on Snape - Y/N saves him in time by jumping in front of him. The lightning kills her. Katara however uses her healing ability and revives the Keeper of the Diamond. They all win the war as Aang takes away Ozai's firebending ability. Their victory is celebrated at Iroh's tea shop where they see a very worried Narcissa Malfoy who even sent Lopsy the House Elf to give Lucius a message - that she is NOT happy about Draco going on the mission. As they all say goodbye, Snape reluctantly lets go of Y/N - he tells her that if she does not write to him every day, then he will kidnap her, with or without Lucius' help.

One Shots of TKOTD (Severus Snape x reader & Lucius Malfoy x reader)Where stories live. Discover now