Don't Cry (SS, LM)

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Y/N is having a bad day as her exam results weren't what she was expecting. She ends up crying, but is suddenly comforted by someone - Snape and Lucius.

This is a request from Severus_snapes_c0ck_slut on AO3. Thank you for your request!

I hope you enjoy!

Published: 6/21/2022

Author's note:
Sorry for the delay! This is the shortest one shot I have written, but I hope it's still fine! Enjoy!

Word count: 781

It's a sunny day and the birds are chirping. It however doesn't seem to lighten Y/N's mood.

The girl is in her bedroom, sighing to herself. She just got the results from her exams. They didn't go that well.

She thankfully did pass, but it's not what she expected. She worked so hard, yet it didn't pay off.

As a lone tear falls down her cheek, she immediately wipes it off. She refuses to cry because of this...

However, she admits defeat as she starts sobbing, covering her face with her hands. It's just a stupid exam, why is she crying? She feels so silly for crying, yet she can't help it.

After crying for what feels like an eternity, she suddenly feels extra weight on her bed.

She expects her friends to sit next to her. However, as she looks up with her tear-filled eyes, she notices it's not her friends. It's two particular wizards - Severus Snape and Lucius Malfoy.

Noticing her red and teary eyes, they immediately scoot closer to her, rubbing her arms and back.

"Shh, don't cry. What happened, Y/N?" Lucius whispers, voice filled with concern.

"N-nothing, it's silly... It's just my exam results, they weren't what I expected" she admits while sniffling, cheeks red from embarrassment. She did not expect them to find her crying over her exam results.

Snape shushes her, gently wrapping his arms around her.

He often finds students crying in the halls of Hogwarts because of terrible exam results. He usually just tells them to accept it - if they are his Slytherins, he may mutter comforting words.

Well, as comforting as they get from the scary Potions Master.

However, with Y/N, he shows his caring and soft side. Even if his dunderhead students or colleagues were here, he wouldn't care. Y/N is an exception, and he would always comfort her no matter what.

"It isn't silly, it's completely fine to be upset about this" Snape tells her as he hugs her tighter.

Lucius nods, agreeing with his friend. "Exactly, it's fine to be upset about your exam results" he states.

As she slowly nods, Lucius grabs a blanket and returns to the bed. "Why don't you lie down and relax for a while?" he suggests.

When she immediately does so, Snape helps him cover her with the blanket, making sure she's comfortable. As she looks relaxed, they join her in bed and lie next to her. They wrap their arms around her and kiss her cheeks.

"You may sleep if you wish to" Snape tells her.

"I'm not tired" she mutters, feeling wide awake.

"Perhaps some ice cream will help?" he offers.

Both men chuckle when she instantly sits up in bed, ready to eat some dessert.

Lucius conjures some vanilla, chocolate and mint flavoured ice cream in three bowls as well as three spoons. Y/N immediately digs in, sighing in content as she enjoys the sweet flavours.

Snape and Lucius slowly eat theirs as well, watching her in amusement.

Snape however starts complaining as he gets brain freeze. "Remind me again why I suggested ice cream?" he mutters as he sighs, hoping it will be over soon.

Lucius snorts at him while Y/N tries her best not to chuckle. However, when Lucius gets brain freeze as well, Y/N fails and starts giggling. They look so funny complaining about brain freeze from the ice cream.

Lucius huffs in amusement. "Just wait until it's your turn, darling" he teasingly warns.

And of course, not long after, it happens to Y/N as well. However, not brain freeze - nose freeze?

"I can feel it in my nose" she complains, grabbing her nose in pain. That makes the two Slytherin men burst out laughing.

"Never heard of 'nose freeze' before... However, I must say you look adorable grabbing your nose like that" Snape teases, smirking at her. That makes her blush which only makes them more amused.

"Do you feel better now?" Lucius asks once he has calmed down from laughing.

Y/N shyly smiles at them. "Yeah, I do. I haven't thought about it at all. Thank you for cheering me up" she says as she hugs them both. They immediately hug her back.

"Anytime, princess" Snape whispers.

Lucius kisses the top of her head. "We'll always be here for you if you need us" he tells her.

"And so will I if you ever need me" she states, smiling.

The three of them spend the rest of the day in her room, chatting and relaxing. Y/N is so thankful that she has them in her life - even if they tease her about the "nose freeze".

Author's note:
I unfortunately don't have any more one shot requests or current ideas for The Keeper of the Diamond. Let me know if you have any requests!😇

Also, I will edit TKOTD once I'm done editing Friendship with the Potions Master and Capture Bonding. I might change Y/N's age a bit, but we'll see.

Update (7/8/2022):
Today is a whole year ago since I started writing my first fanfiction "The Keeper of the Diamond"! 🥳

I had so much fun writing it, I really miss it. I remember I could write up to 5 chapters a day, which is how I finished writing book 1 in only one week lol.

The next TKOTD one shot "Birthday Party" (SS, LM, Valtor, Negan, Zuko) will be published on 7/23/2022!

One Shots of TKOTD (Severus Snape x reader & Lucius Malfoy x reader)Where stories live. Discover now