Everything Will Be Okay (SS *crossover between TKOTD and another fanfiction*)

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Y/N and Snape are relaxing at Spinner's End. Suddenly, somebody shows up out of the blue - a girl with a traumatic past.

PS: This is a request from Encantadiafan12 on Tumblr & Wattpad. Thank you for your request! It's a crossover between TKOTD and Encantadiafan12 's repost of "Reflection" on Wattpad with permission from the original author, snapes_black_cape .

Word count: 1.4k

Published: 11/7/2021

"I never realised how many potion books you have" Y/N says as she giggles. She's in Severus Snape's home in Spinner's End, admiring all of his books on the shelves.

Snape rolls his eyes. "I obviously have quite a lot. I do need to keep myself updated as I am the Potions Master" he says while looking at the girl admiring his books.

"You know, you may take any you want. I just need them back at some point..." he offers, smirking a bit as he sees Y/N's wide smile.

She then hugs him tightly. "Thank you, thank you! I have always wanted to read about potions... I was just too shy to ask you" she shyly admits.

Snape chuckles at that. "Well, good thing I'm a master Legilimens" he mutters.

She looks at him, giving him a confused smile. "Oh, sorry. I didn't hear that. What did you say?" she questions him curiously.

He coughs a few times. "I said it's a good thing that I have so many books... Why don't I read one for you?" he asks, hoping to change the subject.

He doesn't want her to know that he uses Legilimency on her.

She smiles at him. "I would love that!" Y/N exclaims in a happy tone.

Snape then sits on the couch, patting the spot next to him. She immediately sits down. He then opens the book.

"Pepperup Potion is used for-" he starts before there's a bright light in the living room. They both shield their eyes.

Once the light is gone, they notice a girl on the floor. She has long, black hair and blue eyes.

"Ugh... My head. Where am I?" the unknown girl questions as she rubs her head. She however widens her eyes when she spots the Potions Master.

Snape raises an eyebrow. Does the girl know him?

"Hi, you are in Spinner's End. This is Severus Snape, my name is Y/N. What's your name?" Y/N shyly asks.

The unknown girl slowly rises up from the floor. "My name is Y/N Y/L/N. You might not believe me, but I'm from a world where Professor Snape as well as everybody else in the Wizarding World are fictional characters" the girl says, expecting them not to believe her.

Y/N (TKOTD) widens her eyes. "Wait, really? Me too! I wonder if we are from the same dimension?" she questions.

Snape suspects that's not the case - there is no way that them having the same name and both coming from another dimension is a coincidence, right?

Snape then clears his throat. "Why don't we sit by the dinner table?" he suggests.

Nodding, the three of them sit by the table. Y/N sits next to Snape while the black-haired girl sits on the opposite side of the table, facing them.

"So... You are from another dimension, huh?" Snape questions.

The girl nods. "That's right. I used to live in my world, but thankfully, Rubeus Hagrid came and saved me from my family when I was eleven. Ever since then, I have been living in the Harry Potter world, going to Hogwarts where your double has been teaching me potions, Professor Snape" the girl says politely.

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