Party at Malfoy Manor (SS, LM)

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The Malfoys are hosting a party at the Manor where Snape, Y/N and her friends, Laura and Vera, are invited.

Word count: 2.3k

Published: 11/14/2021

TW: Attempted murder and mentions of kidnapping

Y/N desperately looks around, trying to find something that looks familiar. She has somehow managed to get lost in the city she has been living in her whole life.

In the middle of the night.

Did she decide to go out once it was dark? No, it was daytime when she went out, trying to find a specific shop that sells second-hand items...

That was several hours ago. Now she can't find her way home, and she has forgotten to bring her phone with her. Laura and Vera are probably worried.

While she tries to find a bus station, she hopes that she won't meet any sketchy people... Not only did she forget her phone, but she also forgot the two diamonds. She's defenceless out here.

As she passes a dark alley, somebody suddenly grabs her from behind.

She tries to scream and kick the person, but to no avail. Y/N starts to panic. What should she do?!

Another person grabs her and presses her against the wall. There are two of them?!

The person then leans close to her ear. "I did warn you that we would kidnap you if we didn't hear from you for over a day" a silky voice whispers.

Y/N instantly relaxes. She could recognise that voice anywhere.

Another voice that Y/N recognises as well chuckles. "That you did, Severus" the voice says.

She then turns around. "Lumos" one of them mutters. Light comes out of their wand to reveal Severus Snape and Lucius Malfoy.

Y/N sighs in relief. "You scared me..." she says, trying to steady her heartbeat.

Lucius gives an apologetic smile. "We are sorry, Y/N. We simply couldn't help ourselves" he admits.

"Indeed. Now, what are you doing out here in the middle of the night?" Snape questions as he raises an eyebrow.

Y/N chuckles nervously. "Well, I got lost..." she confesses, looking embarrassed.

"Well, good thing that Lucius and I found you, huh? Your friends were quite worried, by the way" Snape states.

That surprises Y/N. "Did you talk with Laura and Vera?" she asks, looking a bit confused.

Both men nod. "Yes, we did. You see, we came to give you invitations - Cissy and I are hosting a party at the Manor this Saturday, and you three are invited, of course" Lucius says.

Y/N smiles. "I would love to! When should we come?" she questions, looking excited.

A party sounds fun, and she's sure that it will be quite big and luxurious. It is the Malfoys after all.

"The party starts at eight in the evening. Do remember to wear a dress" Lucius states, looking serious.

He can't have any of his guests wear casual clothing.

"Don't worry, I have a few to choose from" she says as she giggles.

The two Slytherins then apparate her to her shared home with her friends and bid the three girls good night.

A few days later, it's Saturday. Which means party time! The three girls are getting ready before they have to leave.

"Do you think it's fine that it ends above the knees?" Y/N asks her friends, gesturing to her dark green dress.

One Shots of TKOTD (Severus Snape x reader & Lucius Malfoy x reader)Where stories live. Discover now