Valentine's Day (SS)

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Snape decides to spend Valentine's Day together with Y/N.

PS: This is a request from Encantadiafan12 here on Wattpad and Tumblr. Thank you for your request!

BTW: Happy Valentine's Day! 🥰

Word count: 1.2k

Published: 2/14/2022

Snape is in the Potions classroom of Hogwarts while teaching dunderheads. He sighs to himself. They can't do anything right!

The lesson has barely been going on for twenty minutes and there are already three cauldrons that have exploded. How in Merlin's name is that possible?

As he walks around while observing their poor attempts, he listens to the Trio's conversation.

"So, tomorrow is Valentine's Day. Will you two be doing something after class?" Harry asks his friends.

They obviously like each other, so they must be going somewhere to celebrate the day.

"Well, we have discussed going to Hogsmeade to have a butterbeer" Hermione states while slowly putting the correct ingredients into her cauldron.

"Yeah. How about you, Harry?" Ron asks while ignoring his cauldron.

He just can't seem to cut the ingredients correctly, so once they are done talking, he will ask Hermione for help.

"Well, Ginny and I also talked about going to Hogsmeade. I think most people will go there" Harry explains while accidentally putting too much into his cauldron.

Before it can explode, Snape hurries towards them as he makes the potion disappear. He then glares at the three Gryffindors.

"No talking in this class, whether it's about potions or such a silly thing as Valentine's Day. Fifteen points from Gryffindor! And start over" he growls to Harry before heading towards his desk, ignoring their groans of complaints.

As he sits down on his chair, he's deep in thought. Perhaps he and Y/N could do something for Valentine's Day.

But where should they go? Like the Potter boy said, most people will go to Hogsmeade, and Snape definitely doesn't want to be surrounded by all his students and colleagues.

He then gets an idea that's more suitable for the two of them.

The next day, Y/N has just gotten home from a long day of lessons.

She wished Snape a happy Valentine's Day followed by a few hearts in her enchanted notebook this morning.

She hopes that he didn't find it too silly - she's sure that his students are talking about Valentine all day. The poor guy probably has a headache because of that.

Well, that and from teaching those dunderheads all day.

She can't help but chuckle at the thought. She's sure that he's too exhausted to do anything today.

Just then, a knock on the front door can be heard.

That startles Y/N. Who could it be? Laura and Vera are still at school, plus they each have a key.

She slowly walks towards the door before opening it. In front of her stands none other than Severus Snape - with a bouquet of flowers in his hand.

She smiles at that. "Severus!" she exclaims before hugging him.

He chuckles before hugging back. "Hello, Y/N. I was wondering if you would like to do something today as it is Valentine's Day. By the way, these are for you" he says as he hands her the flowers.

Y/N looks at the beautiful bouquet in awe and immediately accepts it.

"They are so beautiful! Thank you so much! And of course, I would love to!" she exclaims while admiring her present.

Snape grabs her hand as he apparates them somewhere.

They are outside his home in Spinner's End.

"I hope you don't mind that we will just stay indoors, away from everyone" he says as he looks at her. He just wants to be alone with her.

The girl smiles. "Of course I don't mind" she tells him before gently squeezing his hand. They then enter his home.

"I was thinking we could spend the day by reading to each other, sitting on the couch while having a cup of tea" he suggests as he conjures two cups of tea, a black blanket and a book.

"That sounds wonderful! There's no better way to spend the day. Just as long as you are the one reading" she states while giggling.

Smirking, Snape nods before motioning for her to sit on the couch. As she does so, he joins her while covering both of them with the blanket.

He conjures a vase of water to place her bouquet in. After that, he grabs the book and turns to the first page.

As he starts reading, Y/N snuggles closer to him with her cup in her hand.

"There once was a princess and a knight who fell in love with each other," he starts reading.

Y/N takes a sip of her tea while listening, intrigued to hear more.

"However, the Evil Lord made sure they couldn't be together..." he continues.

He smirks when he notices that the sound of his voice calms her down. He knows for a fact that she likes his voice, which is no wonder as she asked him to be the one to read.

Once she's done with her tea, she puts down the cup on the table before resting her head on his shoulder, slowly closing her eyes.

He wraps an arm around her, pulling her closer to him.

"... Once the Evil Lord was defeated, the princess and the knight lived happily ever after. The end" Snape says as he closes the book.

As he hears gentle snoring, he notices that Y/N fell asleep with her head on his shoulder. He chuckles at that.

"Good story, princess?" he whispers with amusement in his voice. The girl merely snuggles closer, still fast asleep.

He puts down the book before gently grabbing the sleeping girl, carrying her in bridal style.

As he takes her upstairs to the bedroom, she snuggles her head to his chest.

Snape uses wandless magic to open the door as he enters. Once he does so, he gently puts down the tired girl on the bed, tucking her in while making sure not to wake her up.

He sits on the bed while admiring her sleeping form, caressing her right cheek.

Just as he does so, Y/N slowly opens her eyes. "Oh, sorry... I fell asleep, didn't I?" she asks while blushing.

Snape smirks as he nods. "Indeed you did. You must have been tired, huh? Did you have a long day today?" he questions.

She nods at that. "Yeah, I did. I actually just came home before you knocked" she tells him.

"Well, you deserve some rest, then. Do you want me to stay?" he offers.

He would love to join her, but he completely understands if she just wants to sleep in peace.

She gives him a shy smile. "I would love to. Please stay" she begs while looking at him with her puppy eyes.

He chuckles before lifting the duvet and lying next to her. Smiling, Y/N snuggles closer to him. She rests her head on his chest as if it was a pillow.

He kisses her forehead while wrapping his arms around her.

"Good night, princess. I hope Valentine's Day was up to your standards" he says, hoping that she had a good time.

"Today was perfect. Thank you, Sev. And good night" she mutters tiredly, slowly closing her eyes.

A few seconds later, she falls asleep. Snape can't help but chuckle at that.

"Sweet dreams" he whispers before wandlessly turning off the lights as the room turns completely dark.

They both had an amazing Valentine's Day, just the two of them enjoying each other's presence.

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