Spooky House (SS, LM)

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Y/N and her friends, Laura and Vera, invite Lucius, Snape, Narcissa, Draco and the Trio to an amusement park on Halloween. Laura is on a mission - to make Severus Snape spooked.

BTW: Happy Halloween! 🎃👻

Word count: 1.7k

Published: 10/31/2021

TW: Swear words and mentions of clowns, dragons, ghosts and spiders

Snape sighs. He still can't believe he said yes to go to an amusement park with seven teenagers. Thankfully, one of them is Y/N, and both Lucius and Narcissa are coming as well - otherwise, he would not survive.

Today is Halloween, which is why they are going to an amusement park as they have decorated for the season.

Y/N and her friends, Laura and Vera, have invited Snape, Lucius, Narcissa and the Trio to come with them to have fun and enjoy the spooky day.

At least they won't be in costumes - the teenagers all agreed that they are a bit too old for trick and treating. Which means Lucius won't have to wear an Elsa costume from Frozen again, thank Merlin for that.

Laura wanted to protest but gave up in the end. The girl is on a mission - to scare Severus Snape. If she can't do it with a costume, then she will just find another way.

She can't wait to hear him scream. She wonders if he screams like a girl. She decides that he probably does. This will be fun.

Right now, the wizards and witches are waiting outside the amusement park in the three girls' dimension. A few minutes later, the girls finally show up.

"Finally! It was getting boring to wait for you three" Draco complains.

Laura snorts at that. "Really? Couldn't the spoiled kid wait a few minutes?" she teases.

The boy just huffs, muttering "Muggles" under his breath.

Lucius sighs. "Now, now, Draco. We did not wait that long" he assures them.  Nodding, the girls go and hug the Trio and Narcissa.

As Laura and Vera are discussing Halloween with Hermione, Harry and Narcissa while Ron and Draco seem to be fighting over whether ghosts or pumpkins are the best decoration, Y/N approaches Lucius and Snape.

"Hi" she shyly says.

Lucius smiles. "Hello, Y/N. Ready for Halloween, huh?" he asks her.

She nods. "Yeah, how about you guys? Are you ready to get spooked?" she asks as she giggles.

She knows about Laura's plan - she wonders if her friend will succeed.

"There is nothing to be ready for as there is nothing that can spook me" Snape says as he rolls his eyes.

It takes a lot to scare the Potions Master - some silly ghost-dressed people on the streets will not scare him the slightest.

Lucius chuckles at his friend. He almost hopes that he will get spooked as he doesn't think that he has ever heard him scream before - he wonders if Snape screams like a girl.

He decides so and smirks at the thought.

Narcissa clears her throat to gain everyone's attention. Mainly to stop Ron and Draco's heated argument.

"Well, shall we enter now?" she questions.

As everybody nods in agreement, they enter the amusement park. They all look in awe at the place - it has been decorated with pumpkins, ghosts, zombies, spiders...

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