Anxiety (SS)

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Y/N is having an anxiety attack due to a really important assignment. Snape finds out and comforts her.

PS: This is a request from Lukas on AO3.

Word count: 942

Published: 4/25/2022

Author's note:
Sorry that this one shot is so short! I hope you enjoy!

TW: Anxiety attack

Severus Snape, the Potions Master at Hogwarts, is currently in the Potions classroom. He's grading papers... He's ALWAYS grading papers.

He sighs in irritation. What's the point anymore? These dunderheads keep making the same mistakes over and over... They never learn.

He decides to take a much-needed break and retrieves his enchanted notebook. He uses it to send Y/N a message.

"Hello, Y/N. I hope I'm not disturbing you. I just wanted to know how you are feeling. I'm currently grading papers, and these dunderheads and their mistakes are so irritating..." he writes down.

After a few minutes of no reply, he raises an eyebrow. She usually answers him right away. Could something be wrong?

Perhaps he should give her a bit more time. No need to be so impatient...

Forty minutes pass by, and still nothing. Snape is puzzled - what's going on? Should he visit her to make sure everything is okay?

As another twenty minutes pass by, he decides enough is enough. He abandons the big stack of papers as he leaves the castle to apparate to her dimension.

Meanwhile, Y/N is in her room of her shared home with her friends, Laura and Vera. She's currently writing an assignment on her computer.

Well, it's not an ordinary assignment - it's required in order to be able to participate in the exam. So if she doesn't finish it and hand it over in time, she won't be able to finish the semester.

This is the reason why she's incredibly stressed right now - she's only halfway through, and the deadline is in a few days!

She takes a few deep breaths. She can do this...

However, it's not helping as she keeps worrying more and more. She can feel herself become overwhelmed as a few tears fall down her cheeks. Her heart is beating really fast as she slowly starts to hyperventilate.

What's happening to her? Why can't she concentrate on the damn assignment?!

Y/N doesn't know what frustrates her the most - the assignment or her inability to continue.

As she starts to shake and has trouble breathing, she doesn't hear the sound of apparition outside the door. She also doesn't hear somebody entering her room.

"Y/N?" they ask, sounding a bit worried.

As the girl doesn't respond, the person slowly approaches her. She starts crying as they put a reassuring hand on her shoulder.

She has no idea what's going on, where she is, who's next to her or why she's even crying.

The person next to her frowns as their touch made her cry. They slowly wrap their arms around her, shushing her.

"It's okay, Y/N. Everything is okay" they whisper, drawing soothing circles on her back.

"Breathe for me. In... out..." they tell her.

Y/N does as they say, taking a deep breath before breathing out. After repeating the action a few times, her breathing slowly turns back to normal.

A few minutes later, she comes back to herself as she finally notices the person comforting her. It's Snape.

"Severus?" she whispers, still not sure what happened.

Snape shushes her once more as he wipes away her tears with his thumb.

"Are you all right? You were having an anxiety attack" he tells her.

Y/N blinks a few times. "I was?" she questions, sniffling.

He nods as he caresses her cheek. "You were. I was afraid you wouldn't get out of it" he says, looking rather worried.

"I'm sorry if I scared you..." she whispers as she sighs, feeling guilty.

He shakes his head before lifting her chin with his finger. "No need to apologise. What happened, princess?" he asks.

"I was doing an assignment... The deadline is in a few days, and it's really important that I finish it! Otherwise, I can't participate in the exam, and then I can't finish this semester!" she explains, sobbing.

Shushing her for a third time, he wraps his arms around her once again, only tighter this time.

"How far are you with writing it?" he questions.

Y/N sniffles. "H-halfway through" she replies.

He gently strokes her scalp to calm her down. It helps as his touch instantly relaxes her.

"You are already halfway through, and there are still a few days left... You don't have to finish it today. I think we both need a break - why don't I read to you in bed?" he suggests.

Y/N can't help but feel embarrassed - he's right. There are still a few days left. There was no reason to freak out like that...

"You are right. I feel a bit silly now..." she says, her cheeks red.

"It's not silly, Y/N. The assignment was clearly making you distressed. Now, close down your computer and go to bed" he tells her.

Nodding, the girl does as he says. As she lies down on the bed, Snape takes off his shoes before joining her.

Y/N snuggles closer to him before he conjures a book. He wraps an arm around her as he starts reading the story.

She loves listening to his voice, it always soothes her.

He only reads for a few minutes before her eyelids start to feel rather heavy. She tries her best not to fall asleep, but fails.

Snape stops reading when he hears gentle snoring. Chuckling, he levitates the book to her desk before he wandlessly turns off the lights.

He hugs her close to him, kissing her forehead. "Good night, princess. Sweet dreams" he whispers.

He can't help but close his eyes as well - they both needed rest. The assignment and papers to grade can wait until tomorrow.

Author's note:
The next one shot "A Surprising Visit" (SS, LM, V/B) will be published 5/2/2022!

One Shots of TKOTD (Severus Snape x reader & Lucius Malfoy x reader)Where stories live. Discover now