A Surprising Visit (SS, LM, V/B)

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As Y/N's friends are away on the weekend, the girl is rather bored. She however gets an unexpected yet surprising visit from three wizards she knows really well.

PS: This is a request from Encantadiafan12 here on Wattpad & Tumblr. Thank you for your request!

Word count: 1.1k

Published: 5/2/2022

TW: Mentions of nightmares

It's the weekend. Y/N is home alone as Laura is visiting her mom while Vera is visiting her parents. The girl sighs. Knowing that her friends are visiting their parents reminds her how much she misses her mom...

She's lying on her bed, trying to figure out what to do as she's quite bored. She could read a book or perhaps watch a movie.

Sighing once more, she rolls out of bed and approaches the window in her room. She looks outside, observing the area. She could also go for a walk... if only it wasn't raining this much.

As she looks outside the window, she doesn't notice the sound of apparition.

She squeals when she feels someone wrapping their arms around her. She slowly turns around only to look into onyx eyes. It's Snape.

She then notices another person next to him... It's Lucius, smirking at her.

"Well, hello, darling. We didn't mean to frighten you" he says as he chuckles.

"Indeed... We just came to see you" Snape states.

Y/N smiles at them. "Sorry, I was lost in thought. This was definitely a surprising visit. And I'm glad you came! Laura and Vera are out, so I'm the only one here" she explains.

She suddenly hears a third person chuckling.

"Well, then it's good that we came, huh?" the person says, sounding amused. It's Valtor.

"Oh, Valtor! Hi!" she exclaims, looking surprised to see him here as well.

He smirks. "Hello, Y/N. I hope you don't mind us coming here. Severus and Lucius invited me, believe it or not" he states, laughing.

Snape groans. He almost regrets inviting him... The man has decided to call the Potions Master by his first name as he thought it wasn't right to only do that to Lucius.

It will take a while for him to accept it... Which might never happen.

Lucius clears his throat. "Yes, we did. Now that your friends aren't here, what would you like to do, Y/N?" he asks as he looks at the girl.

"Well, I was thinking of either reading or watching TV" she tells them.

"We could all read a bit and then watch some television afterwards" Snape suggests.

Lucius raises an eyebrow. "TV... Television... I take it they are the same thing?" he questions, not knowing much about the Muggle device.

"Yes, Lucius. They are the same thing" Snape replies, rolling his eyes.

Y/N chuckles at them before the four of them each pick a book. They sit on her bed as they start reading.

There isn't that much space, so Y/N is sitting on Snape's lap while reading her book. He wraps an arm around her waist.

"Comfortable?" he asks, smirking.

Y/N nods while blushing. She immediately tries to hide her red cheeks behind the book. However, the others notice.

"There's no need to hide behind the book" Valtor teases. That makes her cheeks turn even redder.

After a few hours of reading, they put their books back on the book shelves before entering the living room where the TV is. Well, the TV used for watching movies. The one used for playing games is in Laura's room, of course.

The four of them sit on the couch as Y/N turns on the TV. "I don't suppose you want to watch the news" she says, laughing.

Lucius snorts. "Muggle news? No, thanks. I can only imagine how boring it must be" he says, almost frowning at the thought of watching it.

He won't admit it, though, but he is a bit intrigued as it seems they actually show what's going on in the world. Moving pictures of the incidents, interviews with people. It's definitely different from just reading the Daily Prophet.

Y/N keeps changing the channels until they hopefully find something worth watching.

As they land on a cartoon channel, Valtor raises an eyebrow. "What's this?" he questions.

Lucius and Snape quickly recognise it. "Isn't this the show that your friends once showed us?" Lucius asks.

He forgot what it's called, though. He remembers the word "Mon". Maybe something about money?

"Yeah, it's called Pokemon. Remember when Laura bought me a character plushie from the show when we went on a holiday to Japan?" she asks.

Snape nods. "Yes, she was hoping it would stop you from having nightmares" he points out, a bit hesitant.

Nodding, Y/N leaves the living room and returns with the Pikachu plushie that Laura gave her.

"It looks like this" she states as she shows it to Valtor.

He hums. "Interesting" he says, intrigued to watch what this cartoon is about.

"Well, why don't we watch the show, then?" Lucius suggests.

Nodding, they get comfortable on the couch as they watch the episode. As they do so, Y/N can't help but hug her plushie. It has helped a bit with her nightmares...

But nothing beats Snape and Lucius' comforting presence.

As the three wizards try to understand what's going on in the show, raising an eyebrow as they do so, Valtor's phone suddenly rings. He sighs as he looks at the screen.

"Great, Faragonda needs me for something... Why did Tecna have to give that old hag a phone as well? I need to figure out how to block people on this thing..." he says in irritation.

He then rises from his seat. "Well, today has indeed been fun. We must do this again soon" he says.

Lucius and Snape slowly nod. Well, today hasn't been so bad... They don't actually regret inviting him. However, they will come alone next time...

As Valtor hugs Y/N, the two Slytherin men growl. Yes, they will definitely come without him next time...

Valtor smirks as he notices their looks. Always the jealous types, huh?

"See you next time" he says as he returns to Alfea through a portal.

Once he's gone, Y/N turns around to look at the Slytherins. "Would you like to continue watching Pokemon? Otherwise, we could watch Harry Potter... You could see yourselves" she says, giggling. The two men smirk.

"Well, let's continue watching the cartoon. Maybe we can watch the series about the Boy Who Lived another day..." Snape mutters.

He wonders if the series is different to what has happened in their world.

Meanwhile, Lucius wonders if his hair is neat-looking, and if the Muggles who produced the series know about wizard clothing...

The three of them sit on the couch, Y/N sitting on Lucius' lap while resting her head on Snape's chest. They continue watching the cartoon until they fall asleep.

Her friends will definitely be surprised when they return home to see the three of them sleeping on their coach.

Author's note:
The next one shot "Don't Cry" (SS, LM) will be published 6/20/2022!

One Shots of TKOTD (Severus Snape x reader & Lucius Malfoy x reader)Where stories live. Discover now