Sick Day (SS, LM)

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Snape and Lucius take care of Y/N as she has caught a cold (I wrote this when I was sick🤒).

Word count: 3.9k

Published: 9/15/2021

TW: Mentions of kidnapping

Severus Snape is pacing around in his living room in Spinner's End. Y/N hasn't written to him for two days now. He's really worried - could something have happened?

He was already thinking of apparating to her home yesterday but thought to give it another day. He did warn her that if she did not write to him for over a day, then he would kidnap her.

He checks his enchanted notebook once more. Nothing. That's it, he can't take it anymore. He's going there right now!

He apparates directly to the house which Y/N shares with her two friends, Laura and Vera.

As he pops into the kitchen, he's met by a startled Laura who seems to be cooking something.

"You dumbass, you scared me!" she scolds him.

Snape glares at her. That's the second time she has called him that! How is she still alive? Probably because she's Y/N's friend. Snape sighs. If only he could at least give her detention.

He then clears his throat. "I apologise... Y/N has not written to me for two days. Where is she?" he asks, demanding an answer.

Laura sighs. "That's because she's sick. She has a cold. Thank Goodness it's the weekend, otherwise she would have been home alone all day. I'm currently making some soup for her" she explains.

Snape's expression softens a bit for a few seconds. Y/N is sick?

Laura notices his expression changing and gives a small smirk. "If you aren't afraid of getting sick too, then you can go and see her. She's in her room. Vera went grocery shopping, so it's just us here" she tells him, gesturing to the direction of the room.

Snape nods as he quickly leaves Laura alone in the kitchen and walks towards the room, fast.

As he's outside her room, he gently knocks on the door. "Come in" a hoarse voice says.

Snape then opens the door to see Y/N lying on her bed. She's basically surrounded by tissues.

Snape takes a good look at her. Her eyes are red and puffy, her skin is extremely pale and her body is shaking. She looks really sick.

He notices that she's wearing her Snape t-shirt which makes him smirk to himself.

When she notices him, she gives a shy smile. "Severus... I'm so glad to see you! What brings you here?" she asks as she coughs.

Snape quickly walks towards her, levitating a nearby chair next to the bed. He then sits down. "I was really worried. You have not written to me for two days. How are you feeling?" he carefully asks, even though he can tell that she doesn't feel good at all.

"I'm fine" she simply says before she starts coughing again.

Snape rolls his eyes. "Do NOT lie to me. Why did you not tell me that you were sick?" he asks, not angry but concerned.

Y/N sighs, sniffing. "I didn't want you to worry about me. I know you are busy with teaching dunderheads at Hogwarts" she says as she starts to laugh, sounding really hoarse before she once again coughs.

Snape smirks at her calling his students dunderheads. Which they really are, by the way.

He then gently grabs her hand - which is ice cold. "Merlin, your hand is colder than ice!" he exclaims as he starts to gently rub her hand between both of his to give it some warmth. She blushes at that.

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