Nightmares (SS)

368 10 14

Y/N has nightmares. Snape apparates to her home to comfort the distressed girl.

Word count: 1k

Published: 11/28/2021

TW: Mentions of death and torture

Everything is dark. Y/N has absolutely no idea where in the world she is. It looks like an abandoned house.

She only has one option - to move forward and investigate the dark and creepy building.

As she starts walking, she has a feeling that she isn't alone.

"Is somebody there?" she asks as loudly as she dares to, which is not very loud.

As no one replies, she decides to keep moving. She suddenly sees a shadow to her left. Startled, she puts a hand to her heart, trying to calm herself down.

What feels like a few minutes later, she keeps moving again. She then reaches a door - what could be behind it?

With a trembling hand, she decides to open the door, really slowly. She then enters the room.

At first, she sees nothing. It's completely dark. But suddenly, the light turns on.

Y/N blinks a few times to let her eyes adjust to the bright light. When she finally focuses on what's in front of her, she gasps loudly.

It's Snape and Lucius... chained to the wall with bloodied faces. It looks like they are unconscious.

She runs towards them. "Severus? Lucius?" she quietly says, trying to wake them up. It however doesn't seem to work.

Suddenly, a loud bang can be heard as the door is locked. She gulps at that.

"H-hello?" she asks, sounding terrified.

She then hears a laugh. A recognisable laugh.

"Aww, is the Keeper scared, huh?" a voice asks mockingly.

A person then steps forward from the shadows - Bellatrix Lestrange. Y/N starts to panic. Did she escape from Azkaban, again?

Bellatrix approaches the scared girl. "Isn't that cute? Well, you should be scared. Why don't we add another one to the collection?" she asks as she smirks, gesturing to Y/N's scarred cheek.

The girl is shaking from fear. "No... Please wake up!" she whispers to Snape and Lucius.

Bellatrix seems to hear her as she starts laughing like a maniac.

"You stupid girl, haven't you noticed? They are DEAD" she says, giving a creepy smile.

Y/N widens her eyes. She then touches the two men's wrists... No. There's no way, they can't be...

"No!" Y/N exclaims with a sob, falling to the floor as she starts to cry.

She then yelps in pain as Bellatrix yanks her up by her hair.

"Let's start where we left off last time" she says as she brings out a knife.

As she's about to cut Y/N's other cheek, everything turns black...

Y/N jumps up in bed, panting heavily with tears in her eyes. It was just a dream, a really bad dream...

She suddenly notices that she isn't alone in her room.

"Y/N?" a voice gently asks.

Startled, Y/N covers herself with her duvet, crying hysterically.

The person carefully approaches the crying girl. They then put a comforting hand on her shoulder.

As the touch feels familiar, she slowly starts to relax. She's still crying, though.

The person then gently removes the duvet. She then looks into onyx eyes.

It's Severus Snape.

"Sev" she says with trembling lips, tears still in her eyes.

Snape has a very worried expression as he immediately sits on her bed, wiping off her tears with his thumb.

"I had a feeling that something was wrong, so I decided to apparate here...  Your friends were awake and worried, but I told them that I would take care of you. Did you have nightmares?" he gently asks her.

Y/N slowly nods, feeling extremely embarrassed. "Yeah, sorry. I didn't know it was you who were in my room" she admits.

Snape gives her a small smile. "No reason to apologise" he assures her.

He then taps his thigh to signal her to sit there. She doesn't even think twice before jumping onto his lap, hugging him tightly as she buries her face in his chest.

He chuckles at that. "Shh, I'm here, you are okay. You are safe" he reassures her, drawing comforting circles on her back. He then kisses the top of her head.

"Your nightmare... Would you like to talk about it?" he questions, a bit hesitant.

Closing her eyes, Y/N takes a deep breath. "Bellatrix... She killed you and Lucius... She was going to torture me... I thought I lost you, both of you" she says, her voice cracking as she starts crying again.

Snape hugs her, tightly and protectively. "I'm here, Y/N. Lucius and I are fine, Bellatrix is in Azkaban... Everything is okay, princess" he says, kissing her cheek.

Sniffling, Y/N slowly nods. "Can you stay? I don't want to be alone" she says, looking at him with her tired, teary eyes.

Wiping off her tears once more, Snape nods as he kisses her nose. That makes her blush.

"Of course, I have no plans to leave anytime soon" he says.

He then rises from the bed to take off his shoes and pants. As he does so, Y/N blushes even more. Smirking, he takes off his cloak and shirt as well.

He then lies down in her bed and pats the spot next to him. She immediately joins him as she lies down beside him, hugging him tightly like one would hug a teddy bear.

Snape then covers them both with the duvet. Once they are both comfortable, he caresses her scarred cheek.

"Good night, princess. You should get some sleep. I'll be right here the entire night, also when you wake up. We can eat pancakes in the morning and visit Lucius and Narcissa afterwards, would you like that?" he asks.

She nuzzles her face in his chest. "Yes, please. I would love that. Good night, Sev. And thank you" she mutters tiredly as she closes her eyes, smiling.

Not long after, gentle snoring can be heard. She fell asleep.

Snape can't help but chuckle. "You are welcome, princess. Sweet dreams" he whispers in her ear.

Not long after, the Potions Master falls asleep as well.

She might have had nightmares, but she will definitely have sweet dreams while being in Snape's protective arms.

One Shots of TKOTD (Severus Snape x reader & Lucius Malfoy x reader)Where stories live. Discover now