April Fool! (SS)

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At Hogsmeade, the Weasley twins reveal that they want to prank Snape. They however need some assistance - Laura is more than willing to help. Will they get caught? And more importantly - what will Snape's reaction be to the April fool's prank?

PS: This is an actual one shot and not an April fool's joke!

Word count: 1.7k

Published: 4/1/2022

TW: Pranks

At Hogsmeade, all the Hogwarts students are hanging out and relaxing from a long day of classes. The Trio has invited Laura and Vera to get a butter beer in the Three Broomsticks - they did invite Y/N as well, but she sadly had somewhere else to be.

The five friends are sitting down, talking while they wait for their drinks. Once they receive them, Fred and George suddenly join them.

"Hello" they say in unison before taking a sip of their drink.

"Hey, guys. What's up?" Laura asks as she takes a sip of her drink as well.

The twins smirk. "Nothing, we were just," George starts.

"Planning an April fool's prank" Fred ends.

Hermione sighs. "This can't be good" she mutters.

"On the contrary, this IS good" Fred states, grinning.

George nods. "I agree, Fred. This is a marvellous plan" he adds.

"If it's so bloody marvellous, why don't you tell us about it?" Ron asks, wanting to know what his brothers are planning.

The twins give a mischievous look. "We thought you would never ask, little brother" George says.

"We are going to prank Professor Snape" Fred reveals.

That caught their attention. "Professor Snape? What are you going to do?" Harry questions.

He can't say he doesn't like the idea of pranking the Potions Master - they can finally get revenge for all the lost points and detentions!

"It's simple, Harry - we are going to sneak a potion into his pumpkin juice," George starts explaining.

"And that potion is going to turn his hair green!" Fred reveals, grinning at the thought.

The others can't help but laugh. They would love to see that. However, Hermione immediately spots their flaw.

"How exactly do you expect for this to happen? You can't ask the house elves as they know anything from you is bad news. They shouldn't even have to do any of this" the girl says as she sighs, wishing the house elves could get better rights.

Ron snorts at her comment which immediately earns him a glare from her.

"Don't worry, Hermione. We won't do that - which is why we have come to you," Fred states.

"You see, we hoped one of you would do the honour" George says, both twins looking hopeful.

As Harry and Ron are about to say yes, Hermione stops them.

"Don't even think about it! When, and not if, he catches you, you will be in big trouble" she points out.

Both boys sigh. She's right, they really don't want any more detentions.

Vera shrugs. "I agree with Hermione, this can't end well" she states.

Looking a bit disappointed, the twins look at Laura.

One Shots of TKOTD (Severus Snape x reader & Lucius Malfoy x reader)Where stories live. Discover now