Under the Stars (SS)

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Snape decides to take Y/N on a date. He's quite nervous - he wants it to be PERFECT. He asks Lucius, Narcissa and Y/N's friends, Laura and Vera, for some advice.

PS: This is a request from SoftPiglet on AO3.

Word count: 1.9k

Published: 10/17/2021

TW: Alcohol

Severus Snape is quite nervous - he wants to ask Y/N on a date.

He's pacing around in his private chambers in Hogwarts, thinking about how to make the night absolutely perfect.

He could ask McGonagall and Dumbledore for some advice... Scratch that, he had rather ask the Dark Lord than asking his nosy colleagues. They will just tease him if he did - well, more than they already do.

Snape sighs before he leaves the castle and apparates to the only people he somewhat trusts - Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy.

When he's in front of the door to Malfoy Manor, he knocks a few times. A house elf opens the door.

"Lopsy will let Master Malfoy know that Mr. Snape wishes to see him" the house elf says before disappearing.

Snape sighs. The stupid elf didn't even ask him what he wanted - she just assumed that he wanted to talk with Lucius. Which he does, but still.

A few seconds later, Lucius is at the door. "Severus, what a lovely surprise. Come in, my friend" he says as he steps aside for the Potions Master to enter.

Nodding, Snape does so as the two men walk towards the living room where Narcissa is drinking a cup of tea. She smiles when she sees their guest. "Severus, it is so good to see you! What brings you here?" she asks him, looking curious.

Snape clears his throat. "I have come to seek some advice... I wish to take Y/N on a date, but I have no idea where we should go" he finally says.

Narcissa squeals in excitement while Lucius smirks at his friend. "A date, huh? I never thought you would do such thing" he teases.

Snape rolls his eyes. "Well, I do. Anything for her. I want it to be perfect" he states.

Lucius chuckles. "Well, fear not, my friend. Cissy and I will help you-" he says just as Narcissa throws an outfit at Snape, covering his face.

He removes the clothing from his face and inspects it. It's a black tuxedo with a white shirt and a black tie.

Narcissa then throws something else at him. A pair of black dress shoes.

Snape raises an eyebrow. "Won't that be too much?" he asks, uncertain.

Narcissa shakes her head. "Nonsense, Severus. This outfit is perfect. Oh, I can already imagine her face when she sees you wearing it" she squeals.

Lucius chuckles at his wife. "Indeed, you will need to tell us all of the details when you two return home. Whether it will be here or at Spinner's End" he says, giving him a smirk.

Snape coughs a few times. "Anyway, now I have the proper outfit - what about the location?" he questions.

Lucius thinks for a while. "Well, I think it would be best if you chose the location - she would definitely like that, no matter where you choose" he suggests.

Narcissa nods. "Yes, just choose with your heart. I believe it would be special to her if it's a place you have chosen, just for her" she agrees with her husband.

Snape slowly nods. "Well, how about her favourite restaurant? Afterwards, we could go for a walk and maybe find a place to sit down and look at the stars" he suggests.

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