chapter fifty eight

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Nancy's voice sounds so strained when she says, "...please elaborate?"

Tyler takes a shuddery breath. "If I wanna be more accurate, I think they had a relationship. Or have one? I don't know. I think it's complicated. But my mum seems invested in Scarlett's relationship status, Scarlett's tracking down Saxon for some reason, my mum suddenly wants to tell me something- okay, how much were you eavesdropping on?"

"Most of it," Nancy admits, "...but are you sure you didn't jump to any conclusions?"

"Not certain, no. But it makes more sense the more I think about it. And-" Tyler looks up suddenly. "It means... she did cheat on Colby after all. Maybe. Depending on when this all happened."

"So are you sure you're not choosing to believe it because you want to?" When Nancy gets a glare for that, she elaborates, "look, I didn't hear everything. But that's got to be an awful coincidence, right?"

Tyler laughs. "If anything it makes me believe in fate. Maybe God is real and his sense of humour is just sick as hell. But as grossed out as I am- it's gotta be good, right? Colby will never leave me for Scarlett if Scarlett doesn't even want him."

"Okay. Let's assume you're right and Scarlett had a thing with- with your mum, of all people." Nancy has her hands up like she's approaching a dangerous animal. In a sense she is. "But she's still going after Colby, right? She wants to at least look married to him. At least. He doesn't know that, and frankly, unless Scarlett admits to it- I don't know if even your mum's word would be enough here, although maybe- I don't know if Colby has reason to believe it. Not because he wouldn't believe you, but because you hardly have reason to believe it. It's like, thirdhand coming from you."

"What's your point?"

"My point is, you're currently overreacting to a problem you don't have. Colby has chosen you so far, and if you barge up to him and say Scarlett only wants you for money or whatever, my mum said so, you're looking desperate for no reason. I'm saying keep this info to yourself, especially when it's speculation."

"It's not speculation," Tyler argues, even though it largely is, "but okay, fine- I won't tell him for selfish reasons. But what if that's all it takes to get Scarlett off my back? Get Colby to pretend as far as she needs him to, or get him to refuse her outright, and then she can go back to-" Tyler wrinkles his nose- "my mum. Assuming that's what she wants."

"You're going to have to talk to Scarlett, then," Nancy says, "not Colby. You've got to at least confirm this story before you go running with it, yeah?"

And it's not the last barrier between Tyler and happiness. Because as much as he wishes Scarlett would be honest with Colby, as much as he thinks she wouldn't be judged for that family problem she can't control- it's not like he's extending himself that same benefit of the doubt.

He texts his mother quickly as they're going home. Sorry, had to hang up quickly. I can meet in person if it's really important. Although he has a feeling he already knows everything she's going to say.

He hasn't been keeping track of how long it will be until his father is out of prison.

He types and re-types a message to Scarlett what must be a thousand times. None of them are even remotely acceptable. He supposes he can interrogate his parents more and pretend that's how he's going to solve this.

Nancy puts a hand on his arm. "Don't fixate too much on this," she says. "Just remember that it's either good news or nothing has changed."

"In regards to Colby, maybe. But I still want to know what's going on with my fucking parents," Tyler mutters, head in his hand.

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