chapter eighteen

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Colby's strong arms around Tyler's shoulders feel pretty much like home, and Tyler's brain isn't exactly working right now. He just cuddles into Colby's touch. "Mm," he says, probably meaning to have said something, but no words came out.

Colby laughs lowly; Tyler's not sure where they're going, but they're going up stairs now. Tyler's not a particularly light person, mainly due to his height, and it only occurs to him as Colby almost runs into the wall that it must be at least a little bit difficult; Colby doesn't really seem to show it, though. Tyler knew Colby had muscles, but he didn't really process that that meant he was strong. Strong enough to carry Tyler up a flight of stairs like it was no problem.

"Are you alright, doll?" Colby asks quietly, but there's a note of humour in his tone.

"Mm," Tyler mutters, hiding his nose in Colby's neck. He smells so nice. "Mm, Master."

It vaguely processes somewhere in his head that he wouldn't normally say that, but right now he frankly doesn't care.

"I really fucked the brain out of you, huh?" Something about Colby's voice is so soothing to Tyler, no matter what he's saying; his tone is gentle, anyway. "Here."

Tyler's not really paying attention to where he is, but when he's laid on Colby's sheets, he immediately reaches out for Colby's touch, not really sure what he's grasping for. He catches Colby's hand, but as soon as he catches it he lets go almost out of instinct. He hasn't actually held someone's hand in...

A long time.

So instead, he rolls over and buries himself in the sheets, closing his eyes and just smelling Colby rather than having to interact with him. His brain cells are recollecting, pooling in the back of his head and realising he's in so much deeper than he thought he was prepared to be.

"You're going to get cum on the sheets," Colby says, somewhat amused, reminding Tyler that he's got cum all over his stomach, because of course he does. The worst part is he's still kind of horny; the long-lasting nature of that orgasm cancelled out its effectiveness as a release, in some weird and inexplicable way.

Colby sits on the bed, and Tyler sits up on his hands and knees to face him. Instead of saying anything, as he's starting to have to face the shame in the afterglow, he simply crawls over to kiss Colby, gently pushing him back against the bed.

Colby laughs lowly. "Are you that desperate? We haven't even had dinner yet." Something about the gentle implication in his words is sort of arousing and that only serves to make Tyler's whole situation worse; he's not sure his body can handle any more, yet it demands it. "I'd like to go out, if you would, otherwise..."

"Anything you like," Tyler says, in a weird in-between state where he mutters the title he's given Colby quietly after his words, unwilling to say it fully but still having it naturally follow. He leans his head down, saying, "just..."

The hand that grips his face, forcing him to look up at him, causes Tyler to gasp, and then he's right back in the state he was before, no hesitation. "What did you say, doll?" Colby asks innocently, and Tyler relents easily, lowering his eyes.

"Anything you like, Master," he says, as he reaches forward and runs his fingers up the length of Colby's dick. "Just... first, if you'll let me..."


A long time before then. That's not the last time Tyler held someone's hand, but it's something that sticks in his memory impossibly strong like no glue could ever hope to compare.

The boat, the failed escape, the fire. Trey was somewhere behind, Kali was somewhere ahead, and Tyler and Kevin were running for their lives, hand in hand. It was still only primary school, and nobody was yelling cooties about hand-holding yet, but it was still weird running through the woods holding Kevin's hand when Kevin was usually actually kind of mean to him. Somehow, that's what Tyler was thinking about at that exact moment, and not the fact that if they got caught they'd experience hell on earth long before they got sent to it for whatever they were eventually going to get sent to it for.

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