chapter thirty

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Tyler gets a text he doesn't expect, forgetting he sent one that needed a response in the first place.

You sent this at 2AM, are you good? Don't you sleep?

To answer your question: just chance, I'm here if you want to talk

Lachlen. Tyler stares at the sender's name, the cogs turning in his head as he considers, and considers again, and considers a little longer.

He can't remember when, but he did have the thought that he's never told anyone his secret, and he doesn't know how they'd react. Lachlen would be a safe bet to see how people reacted, wouldn't he be? No direct mutual friends, so nobody for Lachlen to tell. Tyler could afford to cut him off, but it wouldn't feel like telling a stranger. He's smart and thoughtful, so if anyone's response is going to be good, it will be his. Tyler had gotten some reassurance from Ash and Co., but he didn't get to see their raw reactions. He got to see the tamed, carefully chosen ones they'd give to make him feel better. Lachlen wouldn't get a chance to do that.

Tyler risks it. He can always back out later and admit he decided not to tell him the secret.

Actually, if you're up for it, there is something I want to talk about

Nothing about you, it's about me

It has to be in person but it won't take long and also no pressure if you don't want to

Then Tyler closes his phone and tries not to look at it or think about it until he has to, later.

No response from Scarlett yet. He's going back to Colby's house tomorrow, and he's supposed to have some kind of punishment then, not that he knows what that is going to be. The anticipation is kind of fun, actually- there are butterflies in his stomach thinking about it, and it's nice, to be this excited about a relationship. He's not sure he's felt much more than a bandage over a gaping wound in relationships for years. Excitement is amazing, even if it's tinged with nervousness. For once, Tyler cares when doors are closed and nobody's looking.

Well, it's not the first time. It's just the first time in a long time.


Tyler's stomach is doing flips and he wonders if he should leave. Nobody would know. He could pretend he forgot, go home, and then lay in bed and maybe cry, he's not sure. It's not as cold as you might expect on a night like this, but the boat shack is wet and the draughts don't help. There's a persistent sound of dripping that might drive him insane if he has to listen to it for too long.

The truth is, though, he doesn't really want to leave. These stomach-flips aren't bad. Tyler likes it, and he's rocking back and forth on his heels, excitement tingling his skin. He bites his lip, looking out of the window increasingly often until he's just staring out of it, waiting to see him coming on the horizon any second.

The knock still manages to surprise Tyler, because he was looking out of one window, but Kevin must've came around the back. Tyler waits for his voice, just in case it's someone else, and lets out a breath of relief when he hears, "Tyler? Let me in."

Tyler swings open the door almost too quickly. Kevin stands there, slightly wet from the drizzling rain, and stares at Tyler for a moment with wide eyes until Tyler steps back and Kevin can come in.

Kevin keeps staring at Tyler, and that doesn't help the dryness in Tyler's throat. "Why are we in here now?" Kevin asks, and the truth is that them hanging out is always going to get them in trouble, so it's really no different than it is any other time. It kinda does feel different, though.

Tyler tells the truth, omitting just enough that it feels kind of like a lie. "I thought it would be warmer in here, and it's raining. Also, nobody's going to see us."

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