chapter twenty three

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It's two AM and Tyler is off his face.

"Fuck yeah!" Jai yells, throwing sticks into the Maribyrnong River. "Take that, Jesus!"

"Oh my gooooooooddddd," James drawls at them, "come backkkkk hereeeee."

Tyler's ripping up grass. Sometimes he misses Kevin- they were twelve at the oldest while they were at Darkfilly Copse, and never drunk, but this is the kind of shit they did together.

"What the fuck are they'll all on again?" Tyler slurs at Emma and Ash. Emma's leaning on Ash's shoulder, muttering about something.

"Hmm?" Ash asks. "Mmm, James had a cap, Jai's had two, not much, you want one?"

"I dunno what'a'fuck that is," Tyler slurs back. "I miss Kevin."

"Kevin- Long?" Ash asks, brows furrowed. "Oh my god, I remember, I remember him. Oh, shit, sorry," he mutters.

"'S fine," Tyler shrugs, "easy to forget. 'T all sucks when you're me yanno?"

"You don't sucks," Ash argues. "Nah, nah, nah."

Tyler huffs. "I'm gonna piss."

He stumbles to his feet, grateful he still has them. He's been drunker.

He shoots Nancy a text. ur blond n u got big tits so like ur onl kinda whitte but i gottaa sugar dady for u maybe ask m bout ask when im soberr

And one to Lachlen: yooooo why don we talk like weusefto??

And one to Colby. hi masyer ;3

He finds a nice tree to piss against and pisses for about the eighteenth time.

"Ash," he calls as he's doing his jeans back up and stumbling back over, "how's I gonna get home?"

"Huh?" Ash narrows his eyes at him. "You wanna go home right now?"

"I dunno?" Tyler yawns, stretching above his head. "Kinda."

"Call an Uber," Ash shrugs, "if you really wanna. Come out again next time?"

"I like y'all," Tyler says, "I'll do it. I'll do it!"

Ash's giggle follows Tyler's own as Tyler opens up the app to call an Uber. He puts in the address, and as he's waiting for it, he's going around to everyone and telling them he'll see them next time; Emma and Jai both respond with some jibberish that's clearly meant to be words Tyler doesn't understand right now and James tries to grab his ankle. "Mmm, stay," James argues, but Tyler pulls away.

"Nahhh, I gotta sleep," Tyler drawls as he pulls away. James complains and Tyler ignores him.

"Bye Ash!" Tyler grins as he waves, walking out to the side of the road to catch the Uber.

Tyler fucking hates Ubers. He hates sitting behind a silent stranger and twiddling his thumbs, pretending to be, like, normal. Still, the car comes and he does it. The driver says some shit and Tyler shrugs a response and then it's silence in an overly-lit car. Tyler doesn't even have that much money left in his account and honestly an Uber's already wearing it thin. The price seemed kinda higher than he thought it should've been anyway, but he didn't register why, if it even mattered. It probably didn't.

"Thanks," he mutters when he's dropped off. His mind is dreary and empty of bad thoughts he doesn't wanna think. It's pretty nice.

He stumbles up to the door and tries to open it. It doesn't open. "The fuck?" Tyler mutters under his breath, gazing in the front window. Oh, of course he wouldn't be able to see anything downstairs! The bedroom's upstairs. As the Uber drives away, Tyler reaches over to the doorbell and starts aggressively ringing it. Kinda a dick move to lock him out, he thinks.

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