chapter four

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"Damnit," Tyler mutters under his breath. He's not very good at concealing the thrill he got from that, turning to Lachlen. "Did you see that?"

Lachlen clearly finds him more amusing than anything. "I did, yes."

Lachlen and Chappie share a look, leaving Tyler out of the loop. That's fine by Tyler; he puts the empty drink down and stands. "I'm going to go to the toilet," he says, for several reasons. One is that he actually has to go, another is that he wants to text Nancy and tell her about the madness taking place, and a third is that he wants a moment alone to think. There's a tiny fourth desire that he's just drunk enough to acknowledge, and that's that he hopes he'll run into Colby somehow. "But I'm coming back and taking advantage of the free drinks."

Lachlen points him in the right direction before he has to ask, and saves Tyler looking like a lost idiot or having to ask someone. Tyler takes about five steps before realizing he's wearing the green ribbon and hurriedly shoves his hand in his pocket. He regrets changing it when the Aryan Collector- he had a name, but it went in one ear and out the other- looks at him again. If he saw the green ribbon, he got the hint that he's not wanted and doesn't try to approach Tyler as he makes his way to the toilets.

The toilets are surprisingly clean for any sort of public place, especially one that's not overly fancy or professional. Tyler supposes there's an air of professionalism about this place, even if it's not one he's particularly familiar with. There's no gender division in the bathrooms, only one room with a series of stalls, and so Tyler locks himself inside of a stall to catch his breath and find his thoughts again.

He shoots off about six texts to Nancy, all with minor typos, feeling like he only mentions Colby about once, although when he re-reads, four of them are talking about him. Nancy doesn't answer back immediately, which gives Tyler no excuse to still be hiding in a stall. He takes a deep breath, and without consulting his mind, his heart decides that he's just going to do whatever feels right.

He's leaving the toilet when someone gets his attention. "You're new."

The voice that greets him is deep and melodic, something befitting a radio personality. Tyler's disappointed when he looks and finds the owner of the voice isn't Colby, and surprised when he finds it to be someone who looks like a real-life Jessica Rabbit.

"I'm Luna," the person says. "He/him."

It takes Tyler a second to realise he's giving Tyler his pronouns, which Tyler definitely would've messed up had he not been told. Luna has long ginger hair down past his shoulders, and wears a purple strapless dress that seems to hardly cover his breasts. He's wearing purple eyeshadow and dramatic eyeliner that stirs up the appearance of a cat. Nothing but his voice suggests male.

"Tyler," he answers, feeling he should respond in kind. "... also he/him."

Luna nods briefly and taps his ribbon- green. "I'm not here to hit on you. I just want to ask you if you're going to pursue Colby."

"I don't know," Tyler shrugs, somewhat annoyed that this guy asked such a question out of the blue. "Why, you got dibs on him or something? How'd you even notice...?"

Luna ignores his rudeness- a trend in this club that is surprising, and as welcome as it is kind of annoying. "I'm perceptive, and no. If so, I felt you should know what he does."

"What he does?" Tyler asks, interest piqued. "Do tell."

Luna leans in a little closer; his eyes are such a pale blue that they look white in this lighting. "He fucks everyone. Once."

"What the fuck does that mean?" Tyler demands, even as he's figuring it out himself.

"It means he fucks everyone once," Luna shrugs, again ignoring Tyler's rudeness in favour of being blunt. "He finds someone and has a one-night stand with them, and then doesn't go any further. That's what he does."

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