chapter twenty six

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Didn't see this until now, what the fuck were you on about? Nancy had texted him back while he was yelling at his mother. He'd only gotten a chance to read it while waiting outside for Colby to come pick him up. Tyler had forgotten he'd messaged her, as well as Lachlen and Colby, both of which still had yet to respond, although he didn't expect one from Colby. Something about trying to get me a sugar daddy? What?

I was drunk, Tyler texts back, sorry

No, I'm interested. Who's this sugar daddy?

There's a guy I know who's, like, rich or something? and he's dating three people, all of them blonde-haired, blue-eyed whatever, thought you might fit in

Close enough, give me his number.

That's probably a joke, but it makes Tyler smile, and whether it's for the joke or not, Tyler responds with Ash's number.

I was kidding but I may genuinely consider it.
Also, aren't you seeing Trey today? How'd that go, or are you still bouncing on Colby's dick?

Tyler frowns.

Wish I was. Yelled at my mum and nobody's happy

Why not?

Shit. Tyler hasn't told her, has he?

I forgot to mention that my dad's getting out of prison


I only found out like yesterday, sorry

Well, he had the chance to tell her in person yesterday, since he actually found out the night before, but it was a white enough lie.


also forgot to mention he's dying


Tyler puts his phone away as Colby's car starts pulling up. He can hear it buzzing in his pocket as Nancy continues to react to the news, but he can deal with it later.

"How'd it go?" Colby asks as Tyler opens the door. Tyler walked a fair way down the road so his mum wouldn't see Colby; the fact that she knows about him is bad enough. He can't see her anywhere behind him, so he thinks it's probably fine. She didn't react well, but knowing her, she could've reacted a lot worse.

"Uh, bad, I guess," Tyler mutters in response. He's continually reminded of the secret he's keeping from Colby. Colby already knows about the 'Darkfilly Copse was pretty much a pedophilia slash child abuse cult and therefore Tyler was definitely molested' part- he probably can't imagine that it gets worse.

"How so, if I may ask?"

"My mum's going to look after him when he gets out of prison. Since he's supposed to die soon, somebody has to do it, right? But she wants us to go see him. I told her no. Trey wants to say no, too, but feels like he can't."

Colby takes a deep breath. "I'm not going to contest that your father is a monster at all."

Tyler hisses, biting his tongue. That's not the way someone starts a sentence in agreement.

"...but your mum only wants you to see him once? Would it be worth it, at least to make her happy?"

"Be honest with me," Tyler says, hypocritically. "I can tell you don't agree with me. Please be straight out with it."

Colby sighs. "I didn't see my father when he died. I doubt he was as bad as yours, but I certainly felt like he was horrible. I regretted it so immensely that I find it hard to imagine you wouldn't, even just a little bit."

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