23 🥀: Help

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|Black OG🌑|:

Baton Rouge is now one of the scariest neighborhoods in America. Every major news channel is broadcasting all the murders that have been taking place in the hood, word on the street is the whole OTGxGL3 set is getting knocked off. Not just them alone, even OGs affiliated with them are being found dead either in their bedrooms or gunned down on the street in broad day.

I take a drag of my blunt, and turn in my seat towards Sin and Angel. "Y'all murder game is on point. The whole country talking about you."

Sin and Angel are mixed twin brothers, easily noted by their light complexion, matching tattoos and cold green eyes. Completely identical, it's almost impossible to tell one apart from the other. It earned them the nickname, Demon Twins, the deadliest duo of child assassins in the south. Maybe further than that.

"It ain't just us. That last hit was done by Yungy himself. He wants blood. Why we still helping this nigga anyway?" Angel asked.

"Cause now his crew is slowly gaining control over the streets, once he's done that, I'll come in and take him out. Until then, let them kill each other." I say with a chuckle. It's a perfect plan. I take a mental note of the fact that Yungy seems hell-bent on this particular task, probably having something to do with his girlfriend being locked away in some nut house somewhere.

"Each other? Shit, we ain't had one casualty yet." Sin points out. That's nothing new, their murder game is no joke. Which isn't surprising considering I made them and raised them specifically for this. Their whole childhood was dedicated to being the perfect weapons.

"How you even know he won't get suspicious that you allowing us work for him for free again?" Angel asks, leaning forward.

I chuckle a bit, thinking about Yungy. Like all other young upstarts, he's arrogant and expects everyone to bend to his will. I'll play to his weakness. "That nigga arrogant as a motherfucker, he feel I owe him these favors. He'll pay for that impetuousness, though. We'll see to it. And when I have the whole Rouge on lock, you and the rest of the Six Double-O will be my head enforcers." I explain to them. They really don't have a choice but this is courtesy.

"Consider him dead." Angel says, just like that. That's all they needed, and they were never known to be all talk.

I turn back to the news, putting the blunt between my lips. The city thinks this is a bloodbath. They ain't seen nothing yet.

|Janika Starr🌟🔗|:

It's the same dream every night. It always starts with me walking down the long tiled hallway of the mental asylum barefoot. I feel that it's cold, which is weird cause I heard you're not supposed to have all your five senses when you're dreaming. But I can feel the cold biting into my heels with each step I take, wind is blowing in from the open windows, which blows the see through curtains right in my face.

I hear a clank right behind me, but when I spin around I don't see anything. I turn back around only to come face to face with Devon. "Nika." he says in a gurgling voice, as blood starts to spill out through his lips. The red stain in his white T-shirt starts to spread out until it's completely soaked in blood.

I'm horrified, I try to reach out only to notice the gun in my hand. I shot him, I didn't mean to. He drops to the floor, writhing in pain. I want to scream, cry, stop, but I can't make any sound.

Cool fingers lovingly wrap around my hand and guide it until the gun is pointed right between his eyes. "Do it." Santana whispers in my ear. My hand shakes, my trigger finger twitching wildly, I can't do it, I can't, I can't.

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