25🥀: Sudana

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|Janika Starr🌟:|

"Should we really be doing this?" I asked my uncle Marquis as I watch him fire shots with perfect precision at the cardboard targets.

We were at a local gun range on the other side of town. No one was around. The earphones on my head were the only thing keeping me from not going deaf from all the noise, but it was still an effort not to flinch as each shot rang out.

Marquis had brought me here so that I can perfect my aim.

"If it weren't for Santana, would you even know how to hold a fucking gun?" Had been the cold words he'd said to me on the way here.

I'm guessing this whole journey was about me learning how to be more self reliant instead of leaning on the crazy bitch in my head.

Uncle Marquis still hadn't answered, keeping his one-hundred-percent focus on the targets. His feet were planted firmly and his arms were pointed out in perfect form; the gun barely shifted midair as he fired shot after shot.

Finally, I heard his clip going empty and he stopped, stepping back. The smell of gunsmoke filled my nose. My goggles kept the smoke from getting into my eyes. "That's how you do it," Uncle Marquis announced with a crazy grin.

I stuck my head out to see the targets. "Nah, you foul as hell, Unc. I thought you were good at assessing risk. You shot the old lady, little boy, and the dog! What the hell the dog do to you?"

"At least they fake. You the only real dog killer around here," he rolled his eyes.

My lip wobbled. "Why you bring up Pluto?" I whined.

"'Cause Santana killed him. And if you're not careful, that--"He gestured at all the civilian targets with holes in them--"could be what she does next."

I sighed. Yeah, I know, I know I gotta learn how to control it. I don't know how, though. The sound of the door closing caused me to turn around to see who's coming.

A desert skinned woman who looked about nineteen sauntered in all on her own. She was rocking some black jeans and combat boots, which I never saw any point in wearing, but it looked good on her. It fit the whole badass look she had going on.

As she got closer, I let out a soft moan right there. She was the most beautiful woman I'd ever seen in person. Her skin looked like it'd been touched by the sun, strands of her hair fell into her long lashes, and her mouth was slightly pursed and her brows slightly creased as if she was thinking about something distasteful. The rest of her hair was hidden behind a hijab, which was the color of night.

She didn't pay me no mind and instead took a spot at the other shooting spot, way over there and the other side of the room, like she didn't want anyone distracting her.

"That's Sudana," Uncle Marquis told me, making me snap out of my thoughts and look at him. "I got some homies in the military, a lot of them come here to practice. Word is, she's been trained since she was six by her old man, who's a fucking legend, so babygirl gotta live up to his name, I guess."

I took his words in and looked back at Sudana, who was now standing in front of a table with an unassembled gun on it. She had tied a blindfold on her face, and took a deep breath, becoming absolutely still...

Then she launched into action, her hands flying out in all directions and grabbing each piece and putting them together like a puzzle she'd spent years mastering. Her face stared straight ahead even as she continued assembling, her brows even more frowned up now in concentration. I saw her attach a scope to the top of the gun and came to the conclusion that it was a sniper.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2022 ⏰

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