12 🥀: Vengeance

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Carter OTG 🧡:

I'm really about to kill these opps, on Trey. I listened to these niggas while we were posted up on a corner. I usually let them handle the small time dope boy shit, while I supply the product, but I needed to hear this shit they was talking about.

The small crease on my forehead got deeper as the story went on. So apparently, Yungy girl was just walking on the other side like she was dumb or sum, and she singlehandedly took two of my boys.

"So they got offed, by a bitch," I said slowly, wondering if this was a fucking joke.

"Yeah that reckless nigga K, and Jarome."

I cursed under my breath. Damn, I never liked K, but Jarome I respected.

"Not just any bitch," one of them said. "Yungy girl."

I rolled my eyes. This nigga Yungy really starting to get on my nerves. I owe him a couple of bullets anyway for Trey.

My thoughts got interrupted when my phone started buzzing. I looked down and saw it was a text from my connect.

Na'Jour: Meet up in 30. At the usual spot.

I let out an annoyed sigh. I completely forgot we was 'posed to meet up, but I could still make it. I sent him a reply.

I'll be there in 20.

I stuffed the phone back in the pocket. "I'm finna dip." I dapped all of them up before getting in the car.

Ever since the old one got lost in that shootout with DHG (they so fucking dramatic) I had to upgrade.

I got to the docks in twenty minutes as promised. As I walked to the edge overlooking the ocean I saw that Na'Jour was already standing there. He probably came earlier than promised so he could look around and make sure there wasn't any trap set. Smart play, even though we been in business for a while now.

His posture was stiff and guarded.
I wasn't surprised. When you a big time connect like Na'Jour, you tend to have a lot of enemies. Even more than I do.

"Wassup?" I said, stepping up to his side. "Delivery ain't till Thursday."

He was lightskin like me, but his hair was really full and curly. I thought he was part French.

He took a long drag from the cigarette tucked between his lips, and tipped his head back and exhaled, letting smoke ripple out.

"Heard sum I think you should know," he said.


"That opp you been beefing with..."


"Yeah him. Heard his girl and her family got some unfinished business with the Crips down in ATL. Something about stolen cash, ion know. Either way, they want blood."

I took in this new piece of information. If they were on the run, it would explain why the bitch new how to handle herself well with a piece against two of my boys.

"Another thing," Na'Jour said. "They already here, in the Rouge."

My eyes snapped to him. "Crips from the A came down here?"

He nodded. "They been sniffing around, asking about some old nigga who go by El Diablo, one of their biggest OGs. Apparently this nigga has a wife and two children who just recently moved down here to lay low. Sound like anyone familiar."

My breath caught in my throat in realization. "It's them. So Yungy has the Crips to worry about as well." I shook my head and laughed. As if this nigga didn't already have enough problems, now he gotta deal with these motherfuckers.

"Yeah. Thought you should know."

"Thanks mane, but I'mma need another favor."

He frowned a bit and I hoped I wasn't pushing my luck. "What's that?"

"Who leading these Crips?"

"This motherfucker, go by Big Mav."

"He in the Rouge too, I'm guessing."

He shook his head. "No, but if he wants blood, it probably won't be long before he shows."

"I need you to make that time shorter. Me and him need to talk."

Na'Jour gave me a look. "Look man, you do good work around here, but this Big Mav we talking about here. You'on know what I know about him. He not the type of nigga you want to get in bed with."

"So what's your advice."

"Pull yo' boys back and lay low. Won't be long before Big Mav comes to collect, when it happens, you don't wanna be caught in the crossfire." His eyes locked down on mine. "Whether he promises you safety or not."

I turned my gaze back to the ocean, considering if he was right. Of course he was, Na'Jour was smart. But laying down like a dog while some other nigga took my kill...

Nah, Trey dead because of them Goblinz. Because of Yungy. I could give a fuck about his girl or her family, but his last breath is mine to take.

"Set up a meeting," I told Na'Jour, who shook his head in disappointment, but I didn't give a fuck. I wasn't gon' step aside, but I didn't wanna die neither.

So, might as well work together with dude.

"I warned you," Na'Jour said before walking away, leaving me staring out at the ocean.

I pushed out the memories of Trey before they could weigh me down. I haven't cried once since he died, even though I feel like I need to, but I grieve differently.

Vengeance is how I grieve. Which is why no matter what, Yungy needs to die at my hand.

And I'll kill whoever gets in my way.



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