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Mackenzie's pov
"Hello you must be Mackenzie... And Maddie,it's so nice to have you here this week Mackenzie and get well soon Maddie I hop0e you can join us in the future" Gina the substitute dance coach greeted me,as she shot Maddie's foot a glance?

My mom and Maddie both shared looks of confusion as did I.

We couldn't get to meet Abby just yet because she was running late but filming started in 2 hours so I had to a private den because it was a surprise.

As I dressed into my dance wear I decided to explore the Abby Lee Dance Company itself.
So I walked down the stairs and made sure nobody seen me . I turned to my left and entered the staff room. I guess you could call me a staff right? . As I ran through the staff dodging and sliding across from the cameramen setting up, it reminded me of High School Musical 2 , when Troy was going to secret practises with Gabriella. I laughed at the thought. I stumbled through a few doors knocking over a few make up equipment, microphones, hair pieces, props, and Abby Lee Dance Wear on the way. I did earned myself a few dirty looks and I could have sworn I heard 'stupid wannabes'.

After running around like a 10 year old ... (Well I am 10 years old) for a good 15 minutes. I stumbled on the main dance den. Which I'm guessing was where all the original dancer sat and chit chatted amongst themselves. I had a great urge to barge in there and use the toilet but I was strictly forbidden to go in there by Gina as she led me to the guest den. I opened the door just a little bit to sneak in. When I did I ran to the toilet room and into one of the cubicles.
The toilet were nicer than I expected. pink toilet seats and door and a poster of Abby on the door which I found quite disturbing.
As I flushed the toilet and was about to step out when I heard the door being flung open.(Jeez does she do this all the time , I thought) I quickly panicked and ran to the storage room just beside the toilets which stored toilet paper, toiletries, essentials and many more. The tiny space smelled quite groosom but I had no intension of getting caught so I waited and waited till I heard footsteps nearing.

My heart started beating at a enormous paste.
As the footsteps neared they suddenly turned left which was the toilets.

Then a few minutes later I finally heard voices.
"I can't believe you pulled it off, just going to her house like that, and taking it from her mailbox" I heard a familiar voice whisper. The person must have not been alone.

"And then just faking that injury for her like that, legend , just legend" the same voice added after a brief pause.

"You don't know how hard it was to hack into Abby's email to find out who made It true the auditions" another voice added , I knew that whiny,fake,yet charming voice, the one and only Chloe. That must have been her best friend Paige she was speaking to then.

But Mackenzie still didn't understand what they meant. By hacking into Abby's email and faking an injury. The puzzle just didn't fit. But then Chloe said..

"I've seen her dance in old competitions and YouTube. I seen her and her sister at the auditions and I just knew I had to get rid of her. Just look her up sometimes... Maddie Ziegler "

I had to cover my mouth so I could not gasp.
I knew it wasn't just Abby who would have picked me over Maddie because anyone would
pick Maddie over me any day.

She's just got the look and WELL better trained dancer than me.

All I knew is that I had to get Maddie on the show.

Even if it meant I couldn't dance.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ {show starting}

" Yes Abby honest, I would never lie" I explained to abby for the 5th time.

"But Mackenzie were's the proof" Abby asked me like i was a 5 year old who lost her toy in the park.

" It's right here" Maddie chirped as she walked in out of nowhere." My leg is fine" she added.

"I ... I did- ... I'm so disappointed in Chloe. She's had some history but...never this sly." Abby said more like a whisper. "Well then" she clapped her hands."Maddie your on the show for a week.And Mackenzie..."

I knew this was coming but I was happy for my sister.
It was the right thing to do.

After a dramatic pause Abby announced.
"Mackenzie get your dancing shoes on because your dancing with the ALDC for a week also".

Before I could register what was happening Maddie came and full on hugged me. And so did Abby. That was a tight squeeze....

"Ok hurray hurrah your both joining us but were starting in 10 minutes".
"The next duet goes to....." Abby dramatically announced.

That was our que to walk in.We walked in and waved at the camera.We the waved at the dancers and Mom's. Our mom walked in a few seconds later.

I wore my hair in pigtails with my 'dance' routine costume that Abby choreographed during FaceTime which was I going to perform it later on.

Maddie just had to borrow some Abby Lee Dance Wear from the shop on the first floor. She would probably have to perform a routine she already knew.

From the corner of my eyes I seen Maddie's eyes meet Chloe's. Chloe's jaws looked like they were about to fall off. Paige just looked completely confused.

After we introduced our selves Abby made us stand with the original team. She explained what would happen if we impressed her. We would get official jackets and would get a permanent part in the Elite Competition Team. She gave out the rest of the solo's and she switched it up afterwards.

Maddie ended up getting a solo called She's History and a duet with Chloe called Black Swan.
I got a solo called Boom Boom
The group dance was called Something to Believe In.
{ You can actually watch the performances on youtube. And the Awards ceremony 'Dance moms awards ceremony season 5 episode 3}

This is going to be a LONG week.

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