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*I know Christi and Chloe are in the picture and they are meant to be gone, so just ignore them*

*Maddie's POV*
We walked into dance. I didn't and haven't spoken to any of the girls since the "Mall incident" with Chloe and Paige. But I smiled as I remembered Josh. He helped me last week.

We greeted Abby and she hugged Kenzie and I tightly. I hoped to be the first there so that I didn't have to come face to face with them if you know what I mean.

I opened the door carefully and quickly got changed, relieved that we were the first. I checked the time on my phone 10:45 am. The other girls wouldn't be here till 11. We were early each week which Abby liked a lot rewarding us "super-secret privates" ~ Christi.

Today I went and waited upstairs in where the moms sit. I got stretched and was interrupted by someone while in the middle of a weird stretching position Mackenzie recommended for me. Damn You Mackenzie!

"Oh I guess your uhh... Busy" Josh stuttered awkwardly as he was about to leave.

"NO" I screamed maybe a little too fast as I untangled my legs from around my head and shoulders.

"Well then.. What you doin' up here anyways" He asked curiously as he took a seat and a bite from his apple.

"You know just stre- I tried to be cool but was cut off by his deep angelic voice. Oh God He Was Incredibly Cute.

"What did they do" He asked. I looked at him confused. "You know 'the girls' " he used his fingers as quotation mark. "Your avoiding them or maybe its the other day around" He continued wiggling his eyebrows. Ok he need to stop being cute before I melted.

I was going to answer when the producer came and told me I had to go downstairs so we can start filming. It went a breeze. We talked about our last performance, We talked about Chloe not coming back.Kenzie and I were finally official members and got our ALDC elite competition team jackets and finally pyramid.
It went like.

We got our assignments and stretched out. Paige, Brook and Nia got a solo. Paige and Kendal got a duet and so did Kalani and I. And we had a group dance which I was very proud to be the lead.
3 Days later.

We walked back into the changing rooms and hugged our moms. Brooke looked upset and uneasy.

"Brooke you need to start smiling more, ON STAGE AND OFF STAGE"Abby screamed at Brooke.
"Abby you do realise you are speaking to my 15 year old daughter!" Kelly shot back.
"Well Brooke could learn a few from Kalani" Abby whispered to Kalanis mother. But it was loud enough for all of us to hear.
"Well since my child is miserable why doesn't Kalani take her place, because thats what you said" Kelly screamed in rage.

I couldn't even hear what they were saying because they were face to face now and Kelly smacked her.

We were all escorted by Holly and then I seen Paige putting Kendal's diary in Kendal's bag. Again? As everyone left I wanted to investigate first so I went to grab it and there stood Kendal and Paige with crossed arms.And an upset looking Kendal.

"I told you" Paige said evilly and walked away. Kendal barged passed me and took her diary in her chest protectively."You know everything don't you" she screamed at me and walked away.

That diary must have been special to her.
But the important part was that I lost my only true friend.

Wow, wayyy too many secretes.
I hate my life.

A/n shitty chapter soz x

Fitting in|Maddie ZieglerWhere stories live. Discover now