Mack Z

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Mackenzie's POV

"5 minutes" Abby shouted at us from the other side of the dressing rooms. "Coming" We yelled back in union. I applied some more lip gloss and ran to the director. We had a pep talk between the director, Abby and I. We ran through the 1st scene out of 4, 5 times before actually shooting the scene. Once it was done we all cheered and gathered our stuff to go to our house for the next scene.

I got to the car and sat down at the back waiting for my mom and Maddie. As I was waiting in the car Abby and the directors walked by my car and I quickly ducked. I pulled my head forward as they left. I didn't want them to see me because then I would be forced to answer many questions. And besides I'm afraid of Abby. I waited for another 10 minutes till Maddie and Kendall walked in. Soon after my mother walked in. Everybody was on their phones except me.

"Hey Kendall how are you liking my music video so far." I asked her starting a conversation. "Oh it's looking great but I'm not in any of the scenes yet" she answered bluntly. "Oh I have the script right here-" "Oh My God. Maddie We're in all the rest of the scenes. Oh look at the dresses we're wearing. This is so cool right." Kendall exclaimed happy and cheery showing Maddie the information. "Yeah I'm kind of used to it now. Boring" Maddie stated plainly and bored draining all happiness in the car. Kendall and I exchanged looks. Fame was really changing Maddie and I didn't like it.

"You know what, you ruin everything your sister does. She has a big opportunity and your ruining it for everyone with your shitty attitude. I wish it was only Mackenzie who joined the ALDC" Kendall hissed sourly at Maddie. Quiet enough for my mom not to hear but loud enough for Maddie and I to hear. Maddie looked shocked at first but as she started to comprehend what Kendall had just said she put her hair in her face but we could tell she was crying. Kendall had a look of hatred while I had a look of concern. I soon replaced that look because as much as my sister didn't deserve it. She deserved it. Kendall was right.

After the awkward shuffles around the car we finally arrived at our home. We were already greeted by Abby and the directors. We all quickly ducked including my mom. As they left and we tilted our heads up we all laughed. Then Maddie and Kendall's eye's met they both slowly stopped laughing. We got out of the car and slowly but surely more and more cars arrived at our porch. Maddie and Kendall both ran to the girls but Kendall beat Maddie to it. Maddie slowly walked towards me defeated and I guess embarrassed to be near Kendall. By the looks of it Kendall was telling the girls what happened. I couldn't help but give Kendall a dirty look.

My mom done a cheesy speech welcoming everyone to our home while hugging Maddie and I. The cameras were rolling so she made sure to be extra cheesy about it. My mom finally opened the door. Everyone stepped into a lot of balloons and tables of food which Maddie and I carefully decorated. We also had the planning in each room available in this event/shoot. The only rooms in the house that everyone had access to was Mackenzie's bedroom (Which was being decorated for the next scene in 2 hours), The living room.(Where we were told to stay and also where we would each get our hair and makeup done) and the back garden(were all the parents and adults would chill).

An hour or two passed and I seen Maddie take Kendall to the corner. Everyone started to stare so I took everyone outside the front porch to give them some space. Suddenly we heard shouting and screaming. I told everyone to stay out but they followed anyways. I barged into the room where Kendall and Maddie were but all I seen was them hugging and doing their handshake. It wasn't them. So we snuck up the stairs and looked out my window to the backyard. We seen JoJo's mom collecting her things while pointing at Abby. The cameras were rolling so she walked out while calling JoJo.

JoJo ran down the stairs. Her mom telling her that they were leaving. JoJo started crying, sad that she won't have the experience.

After they left we finally got to get into hair and makeup for the sleepover scene. We walked up to my bedroom where all the cameras were set and everything look cute and neat. We ran through the scene which took about an hour.

When we were done the 2/4 scene Abby brought us together for a pep-talk. She told us that we were running out of time because we were behind schedule. Abby gathered us up and told us who and who wouldn't be in the next scene. Some girls were upset and a few even started crying. There mothers started to protest but Abby just put her hand in the air saying that's showbiz ladies while leaving for the next venue.


We got our hair and makeup done and were now sitting in the limo shooting the limo scene when we were done we were told what to do and started to shoot the next scene. We ran into the building (as instructed) and started dancing. We done this for 3 hours. 1 toilet break and a 5 minute snack break. Some of the girls started complaining causing a fight between a girl and Nia.

When we were finally done we all got to take our stress out on the balloons. It was so much fun and by the end of the day It was 9:45 pm we were driving home down the dark road.

A deer ran in front of our car and our car fell over the cliff and fell in to the sea. Water slowly started to rise in the car. I quickly took off my seat belt and grabbed my mother. She looked unconscious. By the time the car filled up with water Maddie and I opened the far door making fish and more water arise. I looked at my mother one last time and swam away. I felt something underneath my leg. And I had a tail. I started to breathe underwater and so did Maddie. "What's happening to us" Maddie shrieked panicking. "I guess we just crashed in to a deer and we are now mermaids underwater" I screamed. We swam to the bottom of the sea were we saw the mermaid Queen Abby along with her slaves Kelly and Christi.


I quickly woke up gasping for air. My mom was beside me grabbing on to me. She was blowing my forehead cooling me down. "It's ok Mackenzie. You just had a long day" She told me whispering. "Your alive. The mermaids. The music video" I screamed. "Mackenzie your music video was 2 hours ago." My mom said almost like I was stupid. I smiled. And went back to bed.

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