School? School.

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****** a few weeks later******
i woke up from my buzzing alarm and the smell of paint.The busy person that my mother is she managed to buy a pretty big house. We started painting and shipping things in the house last week and my room STILL smells like paint. I quickly went on my phone and clicked snapchat and posted a pic of me in bed with a thumbs down with the captions new school today. After about half an hour of checking insta,twitter,Facebook,tumblr ect. I got up and went into my new walk in closet and picked out the outfit I bought in forever 21 afew weeks back and brought it and some undergarments in the bathroom and took a shower.
I came out of the shower and dried myself and put on my outfit and put my hair hair in a messy bun.I put on my jewellery packed my bag and put in sunglasses. I found a beanie and put that on.I went to my makeup drawer and put on some foundation,concealer,powder,blush,eyeshadow and mascara. I went to the mirror and looked at myself.I usually didn't make this much effort but i wanted to make an impression.I ran downstairs grabbed an apple and some money and got in the car.

******************* 3 hours later******************
It was the lunch break and I went to get some lunch.I awkwardly looked around Mackenzie who i found sitting with a group of girls and boys talking, they were laughing away and i couldn't help but feel jealous.I couldn't make friends as fast as instead of sitting around like loner i went and ate my lunch in the toilet when i was interrupted by a group of girls (well three girls and a group of girls following them around) fixing there makeup and lipstick. I stayed quiet until the bell rang.

Fitting in|Maddie ZieglerWhere stories live. Discover now