Auditions number 2. Part.1.

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Maddie's POV
We all stood in a line waiting for Abby to start shouting at us. The camera man shouted action and Abby clapped her hand.

"I don't even have words for the last competition. So I will just start with pyramid" She said sternly. If looks could kill we would all be dead. Including our moms.

"On the bottom we've got the old trio. Nia... Kendall...JoJo." She shouted as she took each blank page off each picture. "You all have horrendous feet arms and I'm just bored". She said simply. There mothers looked so mad if looks could kill we would all be dead long gone. Kendall looked lost. Probably thinking of how her boyfriend wouldn't be dancing with us.

"Moving on. Kalani" Abby said smiling a bit. I didn't listen to all the compliments that Abby was throwing at Kalani about her perfect feet. I looked over to Mackenzie and she smiled back at me. "Good luck" I whispered to her. "May the best sister win" she mouthed back cheekily. Well the only reason she said that is because she thought she'd be at the top because she got 1st in her age division. Not bragging but at her age I would win 1st place overall of the whole competition.

"Maddie" Abby called my name. I went out of my trance and smiled at her. Turned to my mother and she wasn't smiling at me. She was smiling at Kenzie. I couldn't help but feel slightly jealous. I looked up and Abby had finished complimenting me. "MACKENZIE" Abby shouted in triumph. "You were the only one from the Abby Lee Dance Company to get a first overall in your division" Everyone clapped and my mother cheered.

"Okay so I have great news for all of you. Even though you don't deserve it. Mackenzie I've been thinking... I've heard you sing backstage and during stretching. Sooo.. I am going to give you an opportunity to meet with one of my dear friends for a recording session." Abby shouted happily. We all cheered and screamed for Mackenzie. My mom ran up to hug Abby while Mackenzie cried tears of joy. "You don't know how much this means to me." Mackenzie cried. "I know. I know. And that can lead to future music videos and jobs." Abby said.

"Abby I know this is great for Mackenzie but you said it's great news for all the other girls to. How?" Jill said sort of recking the moment.

"Well Mackenzie you will be recording your song in L.A and girls you all have an audition for a Matty B music video. And we will be attending STAR BOUND TALENT IN LA EVERYONE" Abby screamed causing us all to scream and run to her hugging her. Gia joined as well.

"We will leave tomorrow mother's I will talk to you after rehearsals so I want to start the routine now so people get off me and stretch" Abby yelled laughing.


Thursday.10.55 pm

I shut my suitcase and carefully brought it downstairs. My mom took my suitcase and brought it to the car to save trouble tomorrow morning.I ran back up the stairs and packed my carry on:
The Fault In Our Star (book)
Hand gel
Body lotion
Lunch box (Food)
Drink bottle
Bag of sweets
Spare clothes
Head rest.

That's a lot. I left that in my room as I would be adding my final things tomorrow like my tooth brush, towel, face wash etc.

I brushed my teeth changed in to my P'Jays and climbed in to bed turing off my automatic lights by clapping my hands.


I woke up to the sound of my alarm. We were suppose to leave for the airport at 03:30am. I was so tired I walked out of bed and took a quick shower. Then I wore the outfit I laid out last night. I done simple makeup and tied my hair in a bun. I heard my mom yell 5 minutes. I smelt bacon and toast so I ran down the stairs with my carry on and phone. I ate my breakfast and watched my mom turn everything off and bringing my dog in the car. I seen my dad pull up as he was taking us to the airport using my moms car and he would bring it back while taking his car to his home...

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