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*Maddie's POV*

'Anyone wanna go mall today' I texted everyone on the group chat. I instantly got notifications.

Ne-Ne(Nia): Bankrupt👎
Kenzie: Nia I have you r 10$ you lent me I can give it to you at the mall.
Ne-Ne: YAY 😅 Ok i'll meet you there. What time?
Maddsterzz: 2pm?
Ken: Ahhh I only have an HOUR to get ready fs Madzter😂.
Maddzterz: lol same I'm only in my towel.
Kenzie: Tmi tmi 😂👌
Nia: Ok ok guys calm yo tiitttiiieees
Jojo: I'll be there 👍👍👍👍
Kalanimybae💋: lol I missed so much I'll be there a bit late.
Paige😒: I cant go I'm meeting Chloe today 😒
Kenzie: Who added you into this groupchat/convo
Kenzie: oops didn't mean to send that.
Maddsterzz: lol Gtg get ready👍

And I left.I shooed Mackenzie out of my room and went to my wardrobe. I wore a pink aztec print bodycon, and black flats and black pumps. I wore concealer,mascara and lipstick and slipped my lipgloss in my bag.

I had already had my breakfast so I stood at the door and took a snapchat quoting 'mall with my bae's now.'
I checked my Instagram and and clicked on my last photo witch was a photo of the team (without Chloe) and Abby. I only noticed there the amount of likes I had gotten, 222,574 likes and that gave me the opportunity to check my followers I had 658K. I clicked back on the picture and looked at the comments. I noticed I was getting A LOT of hate recently from Chloe's fans. I knew if I watched any longer I would get upset.

I checked the time and it read 1:45 pm. "MOM" I screamed.

" I'm coming, I'm coming" She ran down the stairs with her work clothes and her coffee and keys.

"Where's Kenzie" I asked. "You don't worry about Kenzie get in that car and don't you dare think I've forgotten about that chat, I've so DAMN busy lately" My mom said rather loudly. I was a bit taken back so I walked to the car. Followed by my mom. I knew what she was talking about. Then night I got beat. I shivered at the thought. "You okay there sweetie?" My mother asked me. She is just SO difficult! One minute shes shouting at me the next minute shes kissing my ass. MAKE UP YOUR MIND WOMAN! "I'm fine" I replied bluntly. My mom honked the horn signalling Mackenzie to come out. Mackenzie came running out with one shoe on and mascara in her hand.


"Bye mom" I hugged my mom and gave her a kiss. She handed Mackenzie her 50$ note and we left the car. We walked up to the main entrance and there stood Nia and JoJo. We walked up to them and we talked for a moment and a few minutes later Kendal came we exchanged hugs.

"Oh guys remember Kalani said she would be late" Jojo said. "Oh yeah, I'm hungry so lets go to starbucks" Nia suggested. "Yeah sure and I'll text Kalani and tell her" kendal said. Mackenzie lifted up her phone and we all posed sad faces and she captioned the snapchat as 'Where you at Kalani'. "Oh Paige updated her snapchat "My sister said as we walked to Starbucks and sat on the outside space of the shopping centre. We all looked at her snapchat and it was a picture of her and Chloe in Starbucks with the captions 'reunited with both my girls' probably Brooke.

We all looked at each other and realised we were standing a few feet away from them. We slowly turned around and were faced with Chloe Paige and an awkward Brooke.

"Hey guys" Chloe spoke in a fake voice. "Missed me" she added.

"Yeah, all they seem to talk about is you these days" Paige added.

"Not a chance" mackenzie shot back.

"I wasn't talking to you" she pointed straight at Mackenzie and I. "I was speaking to my friends".

"Look Chloe we don't want to argue in the middle of Starbucks" Kendal announced.

"Yeah we know what happened the last time". JoJo exclaimed.

"Well that wasn't my fault" Chloe shot back.

"Yeah it was..... THAT's fault" Paige pointed right at me.

My heart was thumping so fast. Everyone turned there heads to me expecting me to fight back. I wasn't good at these stuff. Especially not with a queen B like Chloe. I thought I was going to have an anxiety attack so I barged through Chloe in order to run out of Starbucks. But instead I knocked her over and her bag flew in the air. And out fell a diary. It looked liked Kendal's diary?But that could be any Kendal. Plus it was up side down. Chloe looked up at me and sneered 'you little bitch' she mouthed. I backed away slowly only to bump into Kalani.Well she arrived late.

" What have I miss- wow Maddie are you okay?" Kalani asked me.

I didn't even answered I was full on crying then and I was going to have an anxiety attack. Once I was out of the room I ran outside to the back of the building and sat scrunched into a ball. I tried to control my breathing but it was useless. I thought I was going to faint. I was panting, sweating, I felt like dying.

She was a bitch.
She caused trouble.
She interfered.
She had no friends.
She was suicidal.
She was lonely.
She was me.

At that time I felt arms wrap around me. I looked up. Josh?!??! Oh God This Is So Embarrassing. Did I forget to mention that he goes to the ALDC. And is a total hottie!

"Wow there Maddie it's okay" He cooed at me.
He knows my name!!!??? JOSH HYLAND KNOWS MY NAME!

"Breathe in.... Breathe out" he continued.

I did as I was told and soon enough I regained my breath.

"Th- ank y-y-ou" I panted.

"My pleasure, I'm guessing you have anxiety right?" He asked me. I nodded "well I used to as well.But I found a way to calm myself from getting them. What happened this time" he smirked.

Oh god he's so cute! Should I tell him though. I mean he just confessed to me.... NO I wont I don't want to cause more trouble and look like I'm blaming Chloe! Its all my fault!

"Umm, Ju-Just a l-ot og pe-people" I stuttered.

"Right.." He stressed he didn't look convinced. Well why wouldn't he I'm a terrible liar.

"Well I should get you home now" He ordered. "What's you moms number" he asked.

I still couldn't speak so I unlocked my Iphone and showed him the number. He called my mom and spoke to her and I gave him a glare meaning not to tell my mom.

"Mom I told you for the thousand time I was drinking Starbucks and it made me sick" I lied to my mom as I unbuckled my seat belt.

She sighed. Did she know? "Maddie Ziegler I am tired of you lying to me like this. That is NOT the story Mackenzie told me. And also why were you with a boy at place where you couldn't be seen." My mom exclaimed with rage.

"Look mom I'm sorry, I'm just so tired of this, Of life, we can talk about this later." I whispered sadly.

"Oh Maddie... Your tired of life? Are you... Are you depressed." My mom cried.

"No mom, ye- look I don't know, just leave me alone for a second" I exclaimed and I ran out the door and ran up the front porch, I ran through the house and ran up my room. I unlocked the door and I just sobbed.

"I hate me life." I whispered to myself. "I just want it to end."

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