He was here.

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Maddie's POV

I watched as the waves crashed into each other. I fiddled with the chips in my hand. A tear rolled down my cheeks. I really did miss Josh. And I just wanted him to know that what happened wasn't his fault. More than anything.

I haven't gotten much time to think about Josh but knowing Josh he was probably in his bedroom. Smashing things. Blaming the accident on himself-

"I knew I would find you here." A very familiar voice said a few feet behind me. "Joking Mackenzie told me." I could feel the smile on his face. I spun my wheelchair around and pedalled as fast as I could. He ran towards me too.

"JOSH?!?!?" I gasped. As he knelt down to my height and hugged me. I could feel him breathing in my scent. As I was too. He kissed me quickly and pulled me in a hug again.

"Are you okay?" He kissed me.

"I missed you so much." He kissed me.

"Its all my fault" We made out now.

*that scene was like the titanic scene when Rose jumped off the boat to be with Jack.*😏😏😏😏

"No it wasn't. But you do have some explaining to do." I said in a serious tone.

For the next two hours we walked- well he walked. I wheeled around the beach and Josh explained to me why he still hadn't visited me after the accident.

"I can't believe my mom threatened you." I screamed. "What a bi-URGH!" I stopped wheeling picking up a rock a throwing it as far as I could.

"I know she told you I left you. But don't believe that for one second" Josh said when we stopped for ice-cream.

"I never would. Forever?" I asked him holding my pinkie out. Forever he answered.

"Lets go back to my hotel room. Everyone is at rehearsals for this weeks competition." I shrugged it off. Josh looked confused.

"Are you asking me if I wanna'-"


"No I'm healthy." He said back sassily. He sorta looked disappointed. And I secretly was to. But I was 13. Come on.


"NO Josh the popcorns in the 3rd cupboard!" I yelled at Josh from the sitting room.

"Found it." And soon enough the microwave was rolling and Josh came in with two bowls of popcorn.

"Dance Moms marathon here we go." I said putting a skittle In my mouth. Josh rolled his eyes as he put his arms protectively around my shoulder.

Sparks were flying. Butterflies erupted in my stomach.

While waiting for the tapes to start Josh kept asking dance related questions like when are we going to tell the fans. And crap but I honestly couldn't be bothered so I was ecstatic when the commercial were over.

Soon enough the marathon started at season 1. We were about half way through when futus Maddie said "I would kill myself if I didn't dance" It really hit home. And I felt like I wanted to lately. So when the episode was over I couldn't hold it in anymore I dived into Josh's shoulders and let all the tears out for around an hour straight of Josh patting my back and trying to whisper soothing words which DIDNT HELP AT ALL. He brought tissue after tissue and it was fair to say he was the best boyfriend in the world.

I got tired of crying and dove off into a deep sleep......


Josh's POV


I stirred around the uncomfortable hotel sofas. I got comfortable and moved closer to Maddie and shut my eyes again.


I shot up. "Maddie Open The Door!" I heard Mackenzie's voice shout. Shit I thought that was just my heart beating. "God damn it Maddie. She's probably sleeping. Lazy B*tch!" I heard her moms evil voice. "Jump through the living room window." Her mother added.

I looked to my side and the window was right beside us. Thank god we closed the blinds before hand. I heard shuffling and the window was being opened.

"Maddie!Maddie!Maddie" I shook her quickly. She was dead asleep. God Maddie. I went into panic mode. There was a notepad and pen on the desk beside us. I quickly wrote her a note a sneakily put it into her top. (It accidentally fell into her bra.) I had no time to pick it up so I ran out of the room and up the stairs. I went into the bathroom closing the door but nit locking it.

I jumped out the massive window landing on the stairs out the window when I ran down the stairs I was met with the busy cities. Satisfied with my day. I walked to the bus stop smiling like an idiot and sat till it brought me to my nannys and nannos home.


Maddie's POV

"Maddie. What are you doing!" I heard my moms voice. I shot up quickly. "I can explain mom I swear he had nothing to do-" I blurted quickly but my mom stopped me.

"You don't need to explain. Just because you cant dance anymore does not mean that you cant watch your old dance competitions." My mom smiled pointing at the tv.

I looked to my side and Josh was gone. I mentally smiled. My heart was still beating fast. Mackenzie was behind her.

My mom kissed me on the forehead and told me she was going to make soup for dinner.

She went to leave the room and turned back. "Why does it smell like boy cologne in here?" My mom asked suspiciously. Shit!

"Mom don't act like you never wore boy cologne before. " Mackenzie answered way too quickly. My mom rolled her eyes and walked out.

I looked at Mackenzie.

"He was here wasn't he." She said seriously.

"He was here." I answered back smiling.

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