Just Dance!

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Maddie's POV

{Next month}

I was so scared going into this dance. Ever since Josh and I have been together Kendal has been ignoring me and not treating me so nicely. Then Gino asked Kendall out she's been much happier and always cheerful. Now that I had to kiss her boyfriend in a dance just really hurt her. And mostly hurt my boyfriend Josh. As our number was called I didn't know if I should kiss him or not. We walked on stage smiling and took our places. I looked to the left and Kendall was standing in the wings. She had more of a nervous face than angry. Gino smiled at her sympathetically. I knew he didn't want to kiss me. But Abby would kill us if we didn't.

We danced our heart out and the moment was coming nearer. As I spun nearer to him the world became slower. I sat on his lap. Stood up and turned to face him. We came nearer and nearer our lips nearly touched then we spread apart. I done my acting over the top face and 'blushed' I pranced gracefully off stage. I was so proud of us. We didn't kiss but we made it believable. I went around stage to see a beautiful sight. Kendal's hands were around Gino's neck and they kissed. I put my hand on my lips and said 'awww' they both blushed and pulled away. I looked around. Thank god no camera. They were told to keep things a bit more private and not to film intimate moments between the kids.

I ran and hugged Kendall. 'Thank you' she whispered in my shoulder. I felt wetness on my shoulder and I knew she was crying. I high fived Gino. We went back in the den and hugged our moms. And Gino gave his dad a high five. Abby came in.

"Well done guys. Energy was great. But no connection on stage. That kiss wasn't intimate enough" Abby yelled at Gino and I.
"Abby what more do you want from these kids. They are 13 and 14." Kendal's mom screamed at Abby.

Jill just shook her head and told Kendall to tell Abby.
"Miss Abby I think the reason why were so freaked out is because Gino's my boyfriend and I really wanted that due-" Kendall spilled but Abby cut her.

"CUT IT" Abby yelled. "THIS WHOLE THING HERE" Abby gestured towards the nervous moms and dad sitting around. "IS CAUSED BY YOU. Hunny if you were to tell me at rehearsal you had a problem with the kiss. THIS would have been avoided" Abby told Kendall.

"Like you would have listened to her" Jill rolled her eye.

"Anyways no more time to waste. Girls..boy...chin up. And it's awards time. Girls we better win. Gino... Maddie... You better win that duo. Especially because the wicked witch of the west is here and her duet was FANTASTIC" Abby exaggerated.


The only music for the awards ceremony came and we danced for about 3 minutes and we sat down. Junior division came 1st.
"3rd place Katie Jane 'flowers and thorns' from candy apples dance centre. 2nd place Asia Monet 'Vroom Vroom' from dance6 academy.And join me in congratulating..." the announcer said and we all drum rolled. "First place Mackenzie with' Party right now' from Abby Lee Dance

" WOOOOOO We all cheered for Mackenzie as she stood up to get her crown and throphy.

"Ok duet, trio. 3rd place ' Honeymoon' from strictly dance. 2nd place ' That girls gotta be kissed' From the Abby Lee Dance Company'.
Gino and I's face fell. Gino stood up
"Aaaaand join me in congratulating. 1st place... 'Just dance' From the CANDY APPLES DANCE CENTRE". I looked in the audience and Abby's hand was rubbing her temples. She looked disappointed. And furious!

In the end our group performance scored 2nd place place while Asia's new studio scored 1st. And Candy Apples 3rd.

We went back to the green room. All Abby said 'Everyone's replaceable and with that she left. As we packed up I picked a note up I seen on the floor. And read it aloud. ' Gino. You will NOT be coming back to Pittsburgh with us. Thank you' Abby Lee.

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