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~Kendall's POV~

|Last week was the craziest week of my life.I never would have thought Chloe would actually leave.

Well get kicked out.

After Abby and the police found out what happened, Chloe and Christi were asked to leave the show. And the company all together.

I was shocked. We were all shocked. But I wasn't surprised. Sooner or later Chloe would have left. I don't know why or how but she wouldn't have made it through till the end of the season.|
Kendall xx
I shut my diary and put it under my pillow.
Yes, I keep my diary under my pillow.

I picked up my phone which was also under my pillow. I checked the time. It read 11:46. I quickly got up and raced to my bathroom. I pulled down my pyjama shorts while .unlocking my phone and checking my snapchat.
Once I finished my business, I pulled up my shorts and closed up the toilet seat. I sat on it and quickly replied to my snapchat, twitter and Instagram thanking for all the birthday wishes.
I turned on spotifiy and Happy turned on. I usually hated this song but today I was super happy because IT'S MY BIRTHDAY.

I undressed and hopped into the shower.
After about 30 minutes I hopped out.I wrapped my towel tightly around my body and another around my hair.
I checked my phone and the time read 12:41.
I walked back to my room and dropping all the items I had in my hand on my bed.

I went into my walk in closet and picked out my new bikini's which I got from my sisters Rayleigh and Charlotte.

I picked up my new flip flops which I got as an early birthday present from Abby since I wouldn't be seeing her for a week...... VICTORY DANCE!

No dance for a week! Who wouldn't be happy. Go easter holidays!

I dressed into my pink bikini set and also wore a loose wavy dress over and wore my turquoise kimono. I stepped into my flip flops.

I decided to open up my blinds which revealed our black range rover and our tall black metal gates. And children skipping around, blowing bubbles or playing catch.

The site always made me happy. And whenever I was mad I would climb up the tree right outside my window, sit on the roof and think.

This would help me see when the guests arrived.

I sat in front of my big mirror and plugged in my speakers and my blow dryer (hair dryer) and set it up pm low heat. It didn't take long because my hair had already dried. I unplugged My blow dryer and plugged in my straightener. I straightened my hair for 10 minutes and flipped it into a high pony tail.

Of course I didn't bother with makeup because I would only be swimming in my back garden with a few mates.But water proof mascara can't hurt none.

I checked the time one last time before heading down stairs. 1:45pm.
I ran down the stairs and seen balloons everywhere. I walked to the kitchen to be greeted by my whole family.
"HAPPY BIRTHDAY KEN" they all chanted in union. Which cause a big family hug and kisses.

And of course poochy joined in. (My pet poodle)

My mom explained to me what was going to happen(barbecue, swimming,pizza,cake then sleepover YAY!)

We were having small talk and the doorbell rang. I looked at my mom and gave her a thank you smile. "Happy birthday honey" she mouthed.
And with that I ran off a opened the door. Revealing Paige and Brooke.

Brooke and I had some small talk. She hugged me and went to look for my sister Charlotte. Paige just stood there.


Fitting in|Maddie ZieglerWhere stories live. Discover now