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**Josh's POV**
My sisters left the studio. Way to go mom. Brook and Paige were my only hope to get through to Maddie. I guess I'll have to do it on my own.

I walked downstairs to the smell of eggs, bacon, grit and sausage.😏 I wasn't very hungry but I sat down anyways.

"Good morning Joshie boo" My mom cooed.

I ignored her and sat on the stools near the counter where Paige and Brooke were. They were all on there phones and so was I. I looked over Paige's shoulders to see what she was doing. She was on youtube re-watching a parody a fan made of my mom fighting Abby. She scrolled down the comments. Most were congratulating my mother for giving Abby 'A piece of her fist'. But a lot of them did call my mom a phsyco and that she needed anger management. I smiled a bit but that still didn't make my moms actions ok.

We all picked at our foods no one really hungry enough to eat. "Soo...what are you guys doing today" My mom asked smiling too much. We all groaned."Well I'm meeting Maddie" I said quickly. What!!! They all shouted in union."What's the big the big deal, just because you messed up your lives doesn't mean mines messed up too" I answered back smartly.

Yes that may have been a little harsh but they needed to hear the truth. It was true. I texted Maddie last night. She was a bit hesitant at first but she agreed. I ran to the shower because I was meeting her in 25 minutes. When I got out I fixed my hair and wore a lot of Linx. I never made this much effort but she was different. By the time I was at the bus stop 2:15pm I had 5 minutes left. The bus arrived 5 minutes later and it took me 10 minutes to get to the park.

I looked amongst the people to find Maddie and I found her sitting on a blanket on the very edge of the park. I fixed my hair and lowered my jeans a bit and fixed my blue shirt. I walked up behind her and tapped her shoulder while running the other side of her. She looked from left to right and then she found me.
"Oh my god hi, I got so scared" She stated panting."I'm so sorry I did-" "Don't worry it was funny" She said smiling. God she was beautiful. "Oh I'm sorry I was late I got the second bus, but I got something for you". I put my hand in to my pocket and took out a rose.

I waited till she lifted her head up with teary eyes. She smiled slowly and that made my confidence boost. I leaned in and she hugged me. Oh god I was so embarrassed. "Thank you" she whispered. "That's the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me" She sobbed in my shoulder. I helped her stand up and we walked around the park. I could see the surprised look on her face as I held her hand. We walked in silence. It wasn't an awkward silence. It was a nice silence. After about 30 minutes she started a conversation. We talked, laughed and goofed around for around 2 hours.

"I'm starving" she stated at no one in particular. "Let's go to Mc Donald" I asked her. "Where?" "Just down the road"I answered back "Urrrgh but I'm so tired and hungry" She whined playfully tugging at my arm. Fine I said and I swiftly picked her up and put her on my back. Every so often I would playfully pinch her or pat her bum like a baby. Finally I put her down as we reached Mc Donald.

We walked up to the counter and we ordered our brunch. She offered to pay but I refused after 2 minutes of arguing who would pay she let me pay because she knew she wouldn't win the fight. The annoyed cashier told us to sit down and she would bring our order. We walked outside and sat on the outside chairs. We took loads of selfies. Since I'm shite at choosing pictures she choose a nice one and posted it my Instagram.


"Thanks for the date" Maddie said. "Oh wait I'm so stupid sorry. This totally wasn't a date" she stuttered.

And I kissed her.

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