All Ends Bad.

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~Maddie's POV~

We walked into the dressing rooms after the awards ceremony.

I won 1st place overall in the competition with my solo called '"She's History"'.

Kendall scored 9th place.

Chloe and I won 2nd place with our duet, "'Black Swan"'. It was quite awkward dancing with her. And even worse we didn't win. Kenzie did try to cheer me up by saying 'But your characters are just like real life' I laughed but chloe didn't find it funny considering she was the black evil swan and I was the white angelic swan.

Kenzie won 1st in the juniors division with her solo."' Boom Boom"'.

And the group dance scored 2nd place.
Nia which I soon found out was in our school along with Kalani and JoJo.

Speaking of the dance routine, Nia was the lead role and we lost.So I guess it will all be on her shoulders.

We walked into our green room proud of ourselves.
Are mothers and Abby weren't there yet.
We waited a few moments when we heard screaming and shouting.

We all peaked through the door and we saw Christi {Chloe's mom} screaming at Abby. They both looked extremely angry.

Then we heard Christi say something about how the original girls made her a household name.

And Abby said "Chloe's done"

We all gasped and when we looked over Chloe was gone. Paige ran after her.

We all went looking for her mostly because the cameras were there and we didn't want to look like bitches. I wish it could be more real and just show everyones true colours.After Chloe was all washed up and didn't have a waterfall of mascara running down her face. We walked out and went back to the green room.

We walked in and our mothers greeted us. My mom of course started screaming because of our victory. Well Kenzie and I's. Our mothers were acting like we just won 1st place. But I think they were trying to cover up what just happened.

It was awkward for a few seconds so I decided to break the silence.

"Hey guys where's Abby" I asked.

"Why?" Chloe frowned.

I had the urge to get up and slap that frown off her face.But I was cut from my evil thoughts by her mother.

"Yeah, why do you ask, considering your teachers pet now, stealing the spotlight from my daughter, up her ass all the time and your snoopy little sister telling lies about my daughter" Christi screamed at me in rage. Every word she said she took a step closer.

Till she was right in front of me.

I didn't understand why she was being so childish for. Before everything sunk in I saw her hands raising up and colliding with my cheek viscously.

My eyes started to water as I held my hand on my now red possibly purple swollen cheeks.

All the mothers ran up to pull her back. I could spot some of the girls teary eyed also. From the corner of my eyes I could see Chloe with a smug smile on her face. Paige looked slightly scared but impressed.

All I could see was Mackenzie running up to Chloe with her hands in the air ready to choke her when all the girls ran up to stop my little beast of a sister.

I could see my mom taking off her high heels and aiming it at Christi.

There was so much screaming and shouting nobody noticed I (the problem) was on the corner of the wall scrunched up into a ball sobbing my eyes out.

I thought back of the night I was attacked by my dance mates.

I remember Christina jumping from my bedroom window.

"What are you doing here I questioned her" feeling guilty by the previous events I had done.

"Is there anyone home" she asked sweetly.

"Ehh no but I feel sick so do you mind leav-"

I was cut off by her hand clasping at my throat, tightening by each sentence and step we took towards the nearest wall of my bedroom.

"You didn't feel sick when you were kissing my boyfriend an hour ago" She screamed at me.

"How did you fi- fi- out-" I tried forming a sentence.
Its quite difficult trying to speak with a giant choking you while pulling you up a wall with ONE hand. Just looking at her took my breath away. And not in the good way.

" Fir- st off, he kiss- ki- -d me- fir-" I tried to breath.

"But you kissed him back bitch!!" She yelled.

She yanked my hair forward and yanked it back causing a few of my dance trophy's falling onto the floor hitting my wet hair from my just showered head on the way down.

She released my neck a bit and that game me the chance to speak.

"And how did you find out anyways. Molly was the only one there." I sobbed in confusion.

"MOLLY!!!" Christina called.

I was confused. But what confused me the most was that Molly did appear from behind my window.

~Fast Foward~

"IM TIRED OF YOU CONTROLLING ME" My best friend Molly yelled at me while throwing another punch.

I guess none heard the car pull up because while Christina, Molly and 3 other girls I didn't know continued kicking me lightly. Kenzie barged into the room.

"Hey Maddie I bought you yo-" she stopped once she seen the view.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~End of flashback~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I got up and decided I needed to leave before I had a panic attack.

I got up and BOOM something sharp hit my head.

Abby cane in screaming.

I was carried by a stretcher.

I don't think the cameras were rolling anymore because the camera was on the floor.

Mackenzie was on top of Chloe.

Kendall and the rest were finding it a hard time to separate them along with the producer.

The camera men were holding back my mom while Holly {Nia's mom was escorting Christi out}

I could spot at least 3 smashed IPhones on the ground.

Chairs knocked over.

Abby was beside me while they took me to another room with the paramedics.

I lost all speech and memory.

I opened my eyes after a while and One thing I made out was Christi and Chloe leaving.

As everyone rushed to get me in the van I took one last look of Chloe, as did she.

"Its not over BITCH" she mouthed.

And I closed my eyes.

I opened my eyes and seen Abby on my side.
I remembered the events that happened.
I started to cry.

"Its all my fault" I half whispered half sobbed to Abby.

"It's not and we'll get to the bottom of this." She said getting teary.

I felt something sharp hit my hand and I blacked out.

Fitting in|Maddie ZieglerWhere stories live. Discover now