Where are we?

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Maddie's POV

I did the last turns sequence and walked off stage along with the rest of the girls. We all cheered and hugged. "That was great guys!" I yelled. We ran to the green room panting and were greeted by our moms. JoJo and Mack got ready for solos.

I and the rest Who weren't doing a solo took off our stage make up and apply new make up and after that we put onto ALDC jackets and returned to the wings to watch solos. As Mackenzie took the stage my phone started ringing. I could see Abby from the wings trying to see what was going on.

I ran to the nearest toilet and barged through to answer the call.

"Who is this!" I exclaimed.

"Just go outside quick"

"Josh! I'm at a freakin competition right now-IN FREAKIN LA " I whisper-yelled.

"Come on Madds just come outside" He laughed.

"What-Why- do you know how much tro- " And the other line shut off making a beeping sound.

I re-gathered myself and went outside. On the way I seen Kendall. Cover for me I mouthed to her. She forced a smile which I knew was fake. I walked to the entrance and looked around. I felt a tap on my back. I jumped back in horror and was met by Josh.

JOSH!! I screamed and ran to him hugging me as I rapped my legs around is middle and my arms around his neck. He kissed me happily and I jumped off of him.

"Babe what are u doing here!" I yelled happily.
"No time for talks follow me." He said as we ran through the packed parking lot. We stopped 5 minutes later at a bus stop. I hesitated but as the bus neared we hopped on. He could tell I was nervous so he kissed my forehead.

10 minutes later we got off and landed in the big city of LA. We went to a fair near by and hopped on a few rides. We won some prizes and we ran for ice-cream. I checked the time 3.45 pm. JoJo was probably only starting her solos now.

Josh we have to be back by 4 I whined. He rolled his eyes. Fuck Abby he said quietly. But I heard him. It was weird hearing him curse. Hey look I pointed. A photo booth. We walked to it and entered. I put in my $5 dollar note since he payed for everything else that day.

I pressed the machine and it started speaking. We weren't listening as we were planning on which faces to do. We were caught off guard as the machine screeched CHEESE! We were both flashed with brightness in our eyes. We quickly regained ourselves as it flashed again.

We made mostly silly faces and on the 5th we kissed. We ran out suddenly feeling dizzy and claustrophobic. I laughed as I looked at our pictures. "What time is it" Josh asked. I reached for my pocket. "Oh crap. My phone was in my coat. And my coat was left in the booth." I said slowly. Shit! I exclaimed.

I ran across the road as I seen a couple getting ready to walk in the booth. I ran as fast as I could. I could hear my name being called. I looked back. Josh was gripping on to his hair pointing and yelling. What I yelled over the cars. "YOUR IN THE MIDDLE OF THE ROAD-MADDIE WATCH OUT" Josh pointed. I looked to where he was pointing and all I could remember was screeching cars. Lights flashing.

And blackness.

Fitting in|Maddie ZieglerWhere stories live. Discover now